Mennonite Mission Board of Ontario: A New Home, a New Hope

Classification scheme:

Hist. Mss. 10.8

Date of creation: 1986

4 sleeves containing 80 35mm colour slides. This audio-visual presentation commissioned by the Mennonite Conference of Ontario and Quebec. The script and audio cassette for use with the slides have been lost.

The script for the presentation is by John Bender; narration is by Mary Burkholder. Photographs by Howard Zehr, Bill Bryson and Don Epp.

The set was donated to the Archives by the Ontario Mennonite Resource Centre in the late 1980s.

Created Nov. 1997 by Sam Steiner

  1.     Iglesia Cristiana Hispana de Montreal (Montreal, PQ) - Pastor Juan Iturriaga
  2.     Iglesia Cristiana Hispana de Montreal (Montreal, PQ) - Pastor Juan Iturriaga
  3.     Iglesia Cristiana Hispana de Montreal (Montreal, PQ) - Pastor Juan Iturriaga
  4.     Iglesia Cristiana Hispana de Montreal (Montreal, PQ) - Pastor Juan Iturriaga
  5.     Maison de l'Amitie (Montreal, PQ) - Exterior picture
  6.     Rose window
  7.     Cathedral
  8.     Iglesia Cristiana Hispana de Montreal (Montreal, PQ) - Church sign in Maison de l'Amitie
  9.     Iglesia Cristiana Hispana de Montreal (Montreal, PQ) - Group
  10.     Iglesia Cristiana Hispana de Montreal (Montreal, PQ) - Worship in sanctuary
  11.     Iglesia Cristiana Hispana de Montreal (Montreal, PQ) - Study group?
  12.     Two Hispanic children
  13.     Juan Iturriaga
  14.     Nelson Castro
  15.     Night view of Montreal skyline
  16.     Suitcase
  17.     Canada Customs sign
  18.     Cover of Refugee determination in Canada
  19.     Cover of Refugee determination in Canada
  20.     Person in a dark room
  21.     Title slide
  22.     Young boy
  23.     Harold Reesor
  24.     Several young Hispanic girls
  25.     Two children
  26.     Street sign for Av. Duluth & St. Urbain in Montreal
  27.     Young boy in playground
  28.     Young boy in playground
  29.     City street
  30.     Group of Hispanic women singing
  31.     Juan Iturriaga talks with two men
  32.     Juan Iturriaga
  33.     Iglesia Cristiana Hispana de Montreal (Montreal, PQ) - Worship in sanctuary
  34.     Juan Iturriaga speaks to committee
  35.     Two young Hispanic girls
  36.     Man playing guitar
  37.     Women in conversation
  38.     Woman in worship
  39.     Nelson Castro speaking
  40.     Maison de l'Amitie - Exterior picture of literature display
  41.     Unidentified man speaking from pulpit
  42.     Unidentified woman speaking from pulpit
  43.     Two Hispanic women conversing
  44.     Juan Iturriaga
  45.     Two children (closeup)
  46.     Child in foreground; Juan Iturriaga speaking in background
  47.     Man addressing group
  48.     New Life Faith Community (Toronto, Ont.) - Pastors Adolfo and Betty Puricelli
  49.     New Life Faith Community (Toronto, Ont.) - Betty Puricelli leads small group
  50.     Toronto skyline
  51.     New Life Faith Community (Toronto, Ont.) - Small group study?
  52.     New Life Faith Community (Toronto, Ont.) - Adolfo Puricelli on phone
  53.     New Life Faith Community (Toronto, Ont.) - Betty Puricelli assists woman and children
  54.     New Life Faith Community (Toronto, Ont.) - Pastors Adolfo and Betty Puricelli
  55.     New Life Faith Community (Toronto, Ont.) - Adolfo and Betty Puricelli with couple
  56.     New Life Faith Community (Toronto, Ont.) - Adolfo and Betty Puricelli with family
  57.     Mennonite Central Committee (Ontario) - Refugee Settlement Workers Carman Albrecht and Carolyn Albrecht
  58.     Greeting refugees at the airport
  59.     Greeting refugees at the airport
  60.     Carolyn Albrecht
  61.     Carman Albrecht
  62.     Hispanic group in park
  63.     Mennonites from Mexico working in field?
  64.     Mennonites from Mexico working in field?
  65.     Mennonites from Mexico working in field?
  66.     Rebecca Yoder Neufeld
  67.     Unidentified activity
  68.     Unidentified activity
  69.     Unidentified activity
  70.     Unidentified activity
  71.     Carolyn Albrecht with group
  72.     Juan Iturriaga
  73.     Adolfo and Betty Puricelli
  74.     Unidentified group
  75.     Unidentified group
  76.     Carman and Carolyn Albrecht with couple
  77.     Worship
  78.     Credits
  79.     Credits
  80.     Credits

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