Classification scheme:
Hist. Mss. 1.26.1
98 Travel
98 - g General, 1950, 1971-1973. Includes: "Uniform standard for travel allowance" information sheet for travel of General Conference board members, 1950; travel schedule of Frank H. Epp, June13 to July 11, 1973? (see 103 - Ar - 74 - TN True North, regarding the trip which Frank H. Epp and his wife Helen took in 1973); letter of inquiry to a person in La Crete, Alberta, Feb. 8, 1971.
Removed: 2 articles from Mennonite Weekly Review 1960, Aug. 25, and Sept. 1, about the John R. Schmidt family's trip from Ascunsion, Paraguay to Newton, Kan.; travel brochures and booklets on vacation travel in Canada;newspaper clippings on travel; Saturday Review, Jan. 7, 1967 for International tourist year: 1967, pp. 24, 43-90, 96-110, on travel in Canada, Russia, Alsaka and many different countries.
98 - g - Alta/B.C. Alberta/British Columbia - Included only one item: letter of Feb. 8, 1971 to Sara Harder in La Crete, Alta. regarding visiting Mennonites there on Frank H. Epp's trip to the west and south in regard to his work on the history of Mennonites in Canada, which was moved to
98 - g General, above. File withdrawn.
98 - g - H Homecoming - Included only the article: "The Greatest trip in the whole world, To a G.I. returning from Vietnam..." in New York Times, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1971, p.1 of section 10, which was removed. File withdrawn.
98 - g - MTS Menno Travel Service, 1965-1969. Includes: MTS brochures and newsletters from 1965; itinerary of Frank H. Epp, Aug. 27-31, 1965 from Winnipeg to New York to attend MTS board meeting and letter to Paul L. Ruth, General Manager of MTS in Pa., Aug. 29, 1965; reports, information and correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's MTS board work; minutes of March 18 and Sept. 23 in 1967 of the MTS Board of Directors, of which Frank H. Epp was a member in 1967 (see letters of Nov. 17, 1967 and Jan. 11, 1968 regarding his resignation from the board due to a change in location and occupation); drafts of pre and post Eighth Mennonite World Conference tours to the USSR in July and Aug. 1967, with the April mailings; photo of Frank H. and Helen Epp in the centre, holding a sign that says: "Mennonite World Conference 1967, MTS, Air France" and members of the travel group (not named), posing in front of a Boeing 707 Intercontinental airplane.
98 - A American and Canadian, 1960s? Original file measured 7cm. Includes: 2 maps of Peelee Island, one with some markings, related to Helen Epp's history.
Removed: 3 road maps for Ontario, 3 for Michigan, 2 for Illinois, 1 each for Wisconsin, Manitoba and the Maritime provinces and 2 for Quebec; the following street maps: Curtis Hotel and Motor Lodge map of downtown Minneapolis, Toronto, 1971, Kitchener-Waterloo, Preston and Country, 1972.
Chicago and Suburbs, 1974; 2 of Ontario Provincial parks; brochures for Southwest Manitoba and the Turtle Mountains, events and various places in Ontario including Casa Loma and Stratford; booklet on Southeastern Michigan and Lake of the Woods; travel sections from the New York Times, Feb. 28, 1960, Parts I and II and "Beautiful Ohio" advertisement section, Nov. 13, 1960; information from 1967 about participating in the Citizen Exchange Corps of New York, N.Y.; "Tourism in Canada" in Commercial Letter, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, May/June 1965
98 - A - FHE68-70 Frank H. Epp, 1968-1970. Includes: "Travel Schedule" sheets stating the date and destination of Frank H. Epp's travel to various meetings; the travel schedule for Oct. 27-29, 1968 to Quebec City is for Helen Epp and the Jan. 23-25, 1969 travel schedule to Chicago is for both Frank and Helen.
98 - A - FR75 Family Reunion 1945, 1958, 1974-1975. Includes: correspondence of the Epp family siblings and their families and information related to the reunion of the Epp family Aug. 5, 1975 at the Peace Gardens near Boissevain, Man. ; "Das Journal," a reading for a literary evening in Lena, Man., 1945; Anna Epp Ens, "A Biography of Heinrich Martin Epp 1904-1958" written in 1962 for a history course at the Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Ind.; table of "Church school attendance of two generations of H. M. Epp family (as of Aug. 1975)."
Removed: "Travel Alberta 1975 Vacation Guide" booklet.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 2 historic photos from the family of Frank H. Epp: individual photo of Martin and Susanna Epp, parents of Henry M. Epp, cropped from group photo described as, "Seven of the ten sons of Heinrich Epp with their spouses at a summer family gathering at the home of Kornelius Epp 14 between 1889 and 1903," in Anna Epp Ens, ed., The House of Heinrich The Story of Heinrich Epp (1811-1863) of Rosenort, Molotschna, and his descendants (Winnipeg: Epp Book Committee, 1980), p.34. The names, as given in the book, are written on the back of the photo.
98 - C Canada - Included: "Highway to Yukon adventure" information sheets and pictures, which were removed. File withdrawn.
98 - C - Br British Columbia - Included: "Beautiful British Columbia," winter 1981, travel booklet; map for British Columbia; brochures for the Sheraton Plaza Hotel, all of which were removed. File withdrawn.
98 - C - On Ontario - Included: "Ontario yours to discover" travel booklet, undated, which was removed. File withdrawn.
98 - F Foreign, 1962-1969, 1976. Original file measured 5 cm. Includes: Missions, Menno Travel Service and MCC European Directory, May 1963; Mennonite Directory of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa prepared by Menno Travel Service, 1960s?; Menno Travel Service travel brochures for Holy Land, South America and Europe, 1962-1964; "Report on 1966 Asian tour by Frank H. Epp," Mar. 1-Apr. 5, 1966" (Submitted to sponsoring agencies and other interested parties), which includes a list of the places where he reported on the tour (p.8); 2 issues of the Christian Traveller, July and Dec. 1969; Ralph Hostetter, "European Educational Tour sponsored by Council of Mennonite Colleges" booklet, 1960s?; Church World Service brochure to "See the relief and rehabilitation ministries of your church in action" 1960s?
Removed: "They live behind the steering wheel" in Carillon News, Oct. 24, 1958, 3rd section; Mrs. John R. Schmidt, "Travellers in South America overcome many obstacles" in Mennonite Weekly Review, July 28, 1960, p.5?; Melvin Gingerich on American Christian conduct at home and abroad in The Mennonite, Aug. 12, 1958; "Europe 1960" inLook Magazine, Aug. 16, 1960, p.11f.; Saturday Review travel articles and travel sections from 1960 and 1961 and Oct. 24, 1970, p.27; underground travel in Guatemala in New York Times, Feb. 14, 1971, p.10, World Travel,Financial Post Magazine Section, Winter 1968-69;
98 - F - BL Bible Lands, 1969-1974. Original file measured 3 cm. Includes: information and brochures from tour companies; correspondence with Menno Travel Service including a request from Wilmeta Dietzel for bibliographic information, Jan. 26, 1970; Frank H. Epp, "Toward greater holiness in Holy Land travel" in The Link, published by Americans for Middle East understanding, July/Aug. 1971; letters from Gerhard Lorenz (1973) and Larry Kehler (1974) regarding Middle East travel; map of Jerusalem.
Removed: Wilmetta Dietzel, Biblical references to cities and places in the Holy Land (Akron, Pa.: Menno Travel Service, 1970?), 29p.; all the articles in the series "Fifteen Minutes in Bible Lands" in Gospel Herald: Nov. 10, 1953 to Mar. 6, 1956; Stanley Shenk, "Pros and cons about visiting the Holy Land" in Christian Living, June, 1963, p.15f.; The Link, published by Americans for Middle East understanding, May/June 1971; editorial in Canadian Baptist, May 1972, p.3; articles on the Holy Land in Christian Science Monitor: in 1972 in Dec. 23, 26-30 and Jan. 2, 1973; articles in the New York Times: Feb. 23, 1969, in 1970: Jan. 3, Feb. 8, Feb. 22 and advertising supplement in Sept. 19, 1971.
98 - F - Ch China, 1961-1964. Includes: correspondence related to plans for a Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section 3 person goodwill delegation to China in Sept.-Oct. 1963 including Frank H. Epp, who was editor of The Canadian Mennonite at the time; "To who it may concern" letter of June 15, 1963, prepared by Frank H. Epp, giving information about "A Mennonite delegation to China in 1963"; K.C. Woodsworth, The Legal System of the Republic of China in The Canadian Bar Journal, Vol.4, No.4 (Augusts 1961); written notes of Frank H. Epp on Kenneth Woodsworth dated Mar. 3, 1964; list of "References to China in The Canadian Mennonite 1957-1963."
Removed: articles in The Canadian Mennonite, “No war in the world,” Editorial, Vol.2 (July 23, 1954), p.2; “Disobedient young people” Editorial, Vol.5 (Sept. 20, 1957), p.2; “Chinese Christians have difficulties” Vol.9 (May 12, 1961), p.1; “The China wheat agreement,” Vol.9 (May 19, 1961), p.2; “Where there is need” Editorial, Vol.9 (June 23, 1961), p.2; “Food for China,” Editorial, Vol.9 (Oct. 13,1961), p.2; “Resolution on relief food for China,” Vol.9 (Oct.13,1961), p.2; “Food for China,” Vol.9 (Oct, 13,1961), p.2; “Slow progress to bring food to China,” Vol.9 (Nov. 17, 1961), p.1; “Food for China,” Vol.10 (March 23, 1962), p.2; “Double tragedy,” Editorial, Vol.10 (May 18, 1962), p.2; “Our ‘crisis of abundance’ and the famine in China,” Vol.10 (July 13,1962), p.1; “Food – supply and demand,” Vol.10 (Aug. 31, 1962), p.2: “Communist differences,” Editorial, Vol.11(Aug.13,1963), p.5; “Wheat” Vol.11 (Aug. 13, 1963), p.5; “New look at China,” Editorial, Vol.11 (Sept. 3, 1963), p.5; “Big deal,”Vol.11(Sept.24, 1963), p.5; “Plans include goodwill mission to China,” Vol.11 (Jan. 11, 1963), p.1; “MCC delegation to China a good thing,” Vol.11(Apr.12, 1963), p.1.
Transferred to University of Waterloo Library (Dana Porter): China Notes, New York, East Asia Dept., National Council of Churches, Vol.I, No.5, Vol.II, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, Vol.III, Nos. 1, 4.
98 - F - Ch - 70 China, 1963-1970. Includes: continuation of the correspondence related to the proposed China delegation which was to include Frank H. Epp; letters from 1966 written by Frank H. Epp in the attempt to obtain permission to enter North Vietnam and China as a journalist.
Transferred to University of Waterloo Library (Dana Porter): China Notes, New York, East Asia Dept., National Council of Churches, Vol.I, No.4.
98 - F - Ch - 71 China, 1971- 1972. Includes: continuation of the correspondence related to proposed China delegation which was to include Frank H. Epp; letters to the Chinese embassy (Apr. 1971).
98 - F - Ch - 83 China, 1983. Includes: flight itinerary of Frank and Helen Epp for their trip to Tokyo, Hong Kong and Manila, July 31 to Aug. 28 ; materials sent to Frank H. Epp for information on the China Educational Exchange which the Epps planned to visit; a sampling of the brochures and materials from their trip.
See also 103 - Ar - 83 China, 1983, for Frank H. Epp's article from his trip to China.
Removed: 5 copies of Beijing Review: all Vol. 26, Nos. 23, 24, 27, 29, 30
98 - F - Ch - 83 China, 1982-1983. Complements the above file, news papers from Frank H. Epp's trip and and news clippings from before and after the trip.
98 - F - CMBC Can. Menn. Bible College, 1972. Includes: letter of Aug. 1972 regarding a possible choir tour through North America and Russia for the centennial in 1974. See
98 - F - USSR67 USSR, 1966-1968, below for correspondence regarding a possible choir tour in 1968.
98 - F - Ed Education - Included - 1973 itineraries for trips to Africa, the US pacific coast, Alaska-Northwest Synod and various countries in South America, the latter "A Mission interpretation tour," all sponsored byInterpretation Through Travel of the United Presbyterian church, U.S.A., which were removed. File withdrawn.
98 - F Eu - 82 Europe 1981-1982. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's trip to Europe in 1982 on behalf of Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section; itineraries and items from the trip. See also, 103 - Ar - 82 Europe, 1981-1982, 103 - Ar - 82 Moscow, 1982 and
90 - PSR - 1982 - May Moscow, regarding his trip to Europe in Feb. and to Moscow in May. An article by Frank H. Epp on Poland was published in Mennonite Reporter, Mar. 22, 1982, Vol.12, No.6, also with a photo.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: photo published in Mennonite Reporter, Apr. 5, 1982, Vol.12, No.7, p.2.
98 - F HK - 83 Hong Kong, 1983. Includes: a sampling of the brochures and materials from their trip.
98 - F MTS675 Menno Travel Service Tour 675, 1966-1967. Includes: correspondence for MTS tour # 675, July 12 to Aug. 2, 1967 led by Frank H. Epp (see letters of Jan. 9 and May 10, 1967) to Europe and the Mennonite World Conference in Amsterdam; information sheets of the tour participants (pink).
98 - F MTS675 Correspondence, 1967-1970. Includes: post tour correspondence to and from tour members and Christmas cards sent to the Epps; in their letter to tour members June 1, 1969, the Epps attached a letter from Henry and Edna Bowman who described their time in England after they left the group in London, England.
98 - F - ME Middle East - Tours, 1968. Includes: some information about tours to the Middle East; June 5 letter from Mennonite Central Committee which describes Frank H. Epp's itinerary for his trip to the Middle East. (See also, 103 - Ar - 68 Palestine in 1968, for Frank H. Epp's articles from this trip.)
Removed: travel brochures for Egypt, Sudan, Syria; travel brochures from Conquest Tours of New York, N.Y.; brochure for the Inter-University committee on Israel of the America-Israel cultural foundation, eighth annual summer study tour of Israel, July 8-Aug.5, 1969; brochure for Study tour of Bible lands, Nov. 21-Dec. 12, 1968, Maryville College, Maryville, Tennessee.
98 - F - ME69 (1), 1968-1969. Includes: the announcement for the trip in MCC News Service, Feb. 21, 1969; various articles on the Middle East: Elma E. Esau, "The Millet system and nationalism," term paper for Dept. of Political Science, Bethel College, for Introduction to the Middle East 331, Dec. 5, 1968; "Comments on the executions in Iraq" in "For the Record" from the Arab Information Center, Feb. 10, 1969; "A Quaker statement on peace in the Middle East," Fourth Draft, Apr. 26, 1969, 15p.; John Joseph, "Christian-Muslim relations in the modern Middle East," Research paper partially done in the Middle East, 34p.; note by A.C. Forrest, Beirut, undated; Vincent S. Kearney, "Mission to the Middle East," reprinted from America.
98 - F - ME69 - Be Before, 1967, 1969. Includes: Mennonite Directory of Europe the Middle East and North Africa, May 1967; correspondence of Frank H. Epp, Menno Travel Service and the MCC Peace Section regarding planning for the trip, writing to participants, preparations for the study sessions/seminars (letter of Feb. 12, 1969), etc., Jan. 27 to June 6, 1969.
98 - F - ME69 - Du During (1), 1969. Includes: handwritten pages and note cards of Frank H. Epp made during the trip; "A Message from 1969 Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section Middle East Study Tour," a report that was completed and approved by study tour participants at Athens, June 28, 1969, 4p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 2 group photos of the tour members and one with Frank H. Epp and a woman ascending the stairs to a building.
98 - F - ME69 - Du During (2), 1969. Includes: 4 spiral notebooks from the trip; "Suggested Cairo schedule for Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section Middle East study tour."
98 - F - ME69 - Du During,1969. Complements the above files. Includes: the June 26, 1969 issue of The Jerusalem Post.
98 - F - ME69 - Af After, 1969-1970. Includes: post trip correspondence with participants, July 1, 1969 to Apr. 23, 1970, their reports (some published) and letters, compiled by Frank H. Epp, attached to letter of Jan. 1, 1970; Ernest Klassen, "Middle East adventure," in News Service of Mennonite Central Committee (Canada), July 11, 1969; "Master tape log, Middle East study tour lectures June 1969"; series of five articles in MCC News Servicebeginning June 27, 1969 by Dan Zehr, Maynard Shelly, Phyllis Pellman, Everett Thomas and David Mann, tour members in 1969; also, John Lapp, "On the spot in the Middle East," for Christian Living (undated); Frank H. Epp, "A Quarrel over land," in Middle East Report, June 1969 publication of Mennonite Central Committee, attached to letter of Aug. 19, 1969 from John Lapp to members of the tour; Shaolom Ben Chorin, "Progressive Judaism in Israel," offprint from Central Conference American Rabbis Journal (Oct. 1968); brochure for the "Middle East Study Tour" July 24-Aug. 14, 1970 sponsored by MCC Peace Section with Dan Zehr as the tour director, attached to letter of Apr. 23, 1970.
98 - F - ME70 Middle East 1970 - Included - announcement "Middle East Study Tour" for Sept. 1970 of which Frank H. Epp was the organizer and director with a brief description of the "travelling seminar" in Canadian FriendApr. May 1970, pp.8-9, which was moved to,
98 - F - ME70 - Be Before, below. File withdrawn.
See also, 88 - D - CCC - CIA Committee on International Affairs, 1968-1971 regarding correspondence and minutes in regard to this tour and 88 - DMCC - PS - g - Mi - 69, 1969, for Frank H. Epp's, "Report to Peace Section Middle East Study Tour" June 8-28, 1969.
98 - F - ME70 - Be Before, 1969-1970. Includes: correspondence regarding plans for the trip with Menno Travel Service and contact persons for the trip.
98 - F - ME70 - Be Before, 1970. Complements the above file. Includes the newspaper Arab-Canada, Aug. 3, 1970.
98 - F - ME70 - TMC Tour Member Correspondence 1970. Includes: correspondence with participants for the trip; copies of the application forms of the participants, May 19, 1970.
Removed: from letter of Mar. 5, 1970 to R. M. Bennett, the group report, MCC News Service, Feb. 21, 1969, summary of appointments and list of participants for the 1969 tour as well as the "Applications invited" and "Suggested schedule (first draft)" for the 1970 tour.
98 - F - ME70 - Du During (1), 1970. Includes: papers of Frank H. Epp from the tour, Sept. 1-22, 1970, divided into various subjects, namely, lists and biographies of participants, contact persons, hotel lists, itineraries and "Summary of appointments," letters sent to the group before the trip, etc.
Removed: the 4 p. report, "A Message from 1969 Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section Middle East Study Tour," that Frank H. Epp wrote on behalf of the 1969 tour group in Athens, June 28, which was moved to,
98 - F - ME69 - Du During, 1969, above.
98 - F - ME70 - Du During (2), 1970. Includes: a selection of the brochures that were in the file, for places they visited.
98 - F - ME70 - Re Report, 1970. Includes: "Prelude to a report" and "Report on Middle East Study Tour Sept. 2-23, 1970" presented to the Committee on International Affairs The Canadian Council of Churches, Sept. 30, 1970, 8p.
Removed: Frank H. Epp's articles in the World Federalist, 1970 and 1971. See, 103 - Ar - 70 Misc, 1970-1971, for the latter.
98 - F - ME70 - Af After, 1970-1971. Includes: Frank H. Epp's report to Menno Travel Service on details about the trip, Sept. 25, 1970 and to the CCC, Oct. 19, 1970; letters from participants, information on their presentations and articles they wrote, some of which were published in various places (see Douglas Fisher's in clippings file below); articles by Rita Taylor, ed. of The Living Message, publication of Anglican Church Women in Dec. 1970, pp.7-8 and in Jan. 1971, which was a whole issue on the Middle East, with photos from the tour that include Frank H. Epp on pp.5 and 18; typed letter of Mar. 1, 1971 from Frank H. Epp and Helen Epp to the tour group with "Letters and Notes" of tour members as well as copies of published articles by some of them attached in Exhibits A to E; handwritten letter "From Frank and Helen Epp," Mar. 1, 1971, describing Helen's role in the presentations and the number of groups they had addressed as well as Frank's comments regarding the strongly worded telegrams and letters responding to his articles in the World Federalist (see 103 - Ar - 70 Misc, 1970-1971); articles in theOttawa Citizen about the Epps and the tour, Sept. 29 and Oct 17, 1970;
98 - F - ME70 - Af After, 1970. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: articles by Douglas Fisher, journalist and tour member, in the Toronto Telegram, Sept. 28 and 30, 1970, speaking on behalf of the Arabs; the original page with the Sept. 25, 1970 article about the Epps.
98 - F - ME71 Middle East, 1970-1972. Includes: correspondence in planning the trip of Frank H. Epp with the photo-journalist John Goddard (see letter of Apr. 19, 1971; Frank H. Epp, "Listening to the Middle East (Being a report on the Epp-Goddard research trip Aug. 2-30, 1971)," Aug. 30, 1971 which includes a list of the 140 persons interviewed for "Portrait of Palestinian Arabs"; copy of "Epp-Goddard Schedule, Beirut"; some items from the trip and several letters following the trip; article discussing Frank H. Epp in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Oct. 2, 1971, p.35; photo of Fouad Atalla receiving an award from King Hussein, attached to letter of Oct. 28, 1971; see article of Feb. 25, 1974 by John Goddard in,
98 - F - ME74 Middle East (1), 1973-1974, below.
98 - F - ME71 Middle East, 1971. Complements the above file, news clipping only. Includes: article from Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Oct. 2, 1971, see above. The photographs for this article, of the 90 year old grandfather in Amman and the occupation forces patrolling the Gaza Beach Camp were in, 103 - B - Pa John Goddard. They were published in the book, Frank H. Epp, The Palestinians portrait of a people in conflict (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1976), pp. 148 and 150.
98 - F - ME74 Middle East (1), 1973-1974. Includes: correspondence from before the trip of Frank H. Epp to the Middle East with two of his daughters, Marianne and Esther, Aug. 8-30, 1974 (see letter of Mar. 26, 1974 in which Epp relates to Urbane Peachey that he has a publisher for his book, The Palestinians: A Portrait and discusses the purpose of this trip; John Goddard, "Anti-zionism would guarantee peace in the Middle East," Feb. 25, 1974; .
98 - F - ME74 Middle East (2), 1974-1975. Includes: items, schedules, list of contacts, and papers from the trip and correspondence from after the trip.
98 - F - ME74 Middle East (3), 1974. Includes: copies of 3 photographs that were in the file, 1 of Marianne (at right) and Esther (at left) Epp, who assisted their father on this trip, with Wadad Nasif (middle) in her village in the Golan Hts, and 2 of Wadid Nasif. These photos and the negatives for them were transferred to, 103 - B - Pa John Goddard, as were 7 photographs and 7 envelopes with negatives, all from this trip, that were also in the file. See also in 103 - B - Pa John Goddard, photo of Marianne and Esther with a group of women.
98 - F - ME74 Middle East, 1974. Complements the above file. Includes: one newspaper (in Arabic) of Aug. 14, 1974 from Frank H. Epp's trip.
98 - F - ME77 Middle East, 1976-1977. Includes: letters regarding Frank H. Epp's trip to Israel with John Goddard to conduct interviews and take photographs for Epp's book, The Israelis: portrait of a people in conflict (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1980), Oct. 14, 1976 and Apr. 1977; letters from the three daughters of Frank H. Epp, Marianne, Esther and Marlene, written to their father while he was in Israel; letter from Miriam (Jantzi Bauman), administrative assistant to Frank H. Epp, sent to him in Jerusalem; Frank H. Epp, "Listening to the Middle East - 1977 (A general report)," May 18, 1977, 3p., marked "Not for publication,"; Frank H. Epp, "Listening to the Israelis: suspicion and cooperation (A special report)," May 18, 1977, 2p.; Frank H. Epp, "Summary of interviews (Israel - April-May, 1977)," 1p.;
a few items from the trip including maps.
98 - F - ME80 Middle East, 1980. Includes: correspondence with Peace Section staff and others regarding Frank H. Epp's attendance at the New Outlook Symposium and peace conference in Jerusalem as a consequence of the publication of his two books, The Palestinians and The Israelis (see memo from Frank H. Epp to Ralph Lebold, July 2, 1980); letters of request for funding; address labels for the interviewees of his book, attached to memo of July 15, 1980; memo from Frank H. Epp, Aug, 12 and 13, 1980, that the trip had been cancelled.
98 - F - Mex Mexico, 1971-1973. Includes: letter of Frank H. Epp: Oct. 21, 1971 inquiring about travelling to Mexico with his family to the Mennonites in Mexico and Honduras related to his work on the History of Mennonites in Canada volume; letters of Frank H. Epp from 1973 regarding travel to the Mennonite colonies in Mexico on a federal government grant to do research on the adjustment of Mexican Mennonite immigrants to Ontario. (See also, IAB files above.)
98 - F - Ph Philippines #1, 1979-1983. Includes: materials and information from church and other leaders in the Philippines and Mennonite Central Committee, especially from Bert Lobe, the secretary for East Asia from before the trip which Frank H. and Helen Epp made to the Philippines, Aug. 8-28, 1983 to visit the country and Dan and Esther Epp-Thiessen, their daughter and son-in-law who were the MCC country representatives; "The U.S. military's game plan for Asia," Asia Monitor Resource Center, Oct. 1981; 2 articles by Earl Martin on the Philippine church and other items in Peace Section Newsletter Mennonite Central Committee, Sept.-Oct. 1982, attached to letter of Dec. 27, 1982; Dan Epp-Tiessen, "Church-state tension in the Philippines," Dec. 22, 1982, attached to letter of Jan. 19, 1983; articles by Dan Epp-Tiessen in 2 issues of the 1983 News Service Mennonite Central Committee, (Akron), Feb. 18 and July 1; Canada Asia working group A Canadian inter-church coalition on Asian concerns, submission to the Canadian ambassador, 39th session United Nations Commission on human rights, Jan. 1983, with letter of May 12, 1983 to the Epps from MCC (Canada).
Removed: articles from the Far Eastern Economic Review: for 1982: May 21, pp.21f., 44f. and Dec. 10, p.23f. and p.38f., for July 21, 1983, pp.12f.
98 - F - Ph Philippines #2, 1983. Includes: 2 spiral notebooks with handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp made during the trip; Philippine Christian Service Directory 1982. See also the following: 103 - Ar - 83 Asia, 1983; 103 - Ar - 83 Philippines, 1983; 103 - Ar - 83 Philippines - MCC, 1983 as well as, 60 - As - Ph Philippines, 1983 and 60 - As - Ph Philippines 2, 1982-1985.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: photo of Frank H. and Helen Epp with Dan and Esther at a restaurant in the Pasay City, Philippines.
98 - F - Ph Philippines #3, 1983. Includes: 3 newspaper articles by Frank H. Epp published in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record: Sept. 26, Oct. 4 and Oct. 27 on the "Insight page" on Hong Kong, and the Philippines.
98 - F - USSR64 USSR, 1963-1964. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp from Feb. 1963 to July 1964, with Menno Travel Service and interested participants for a proposed trip to the USSR in 1964 for which Epp would be the group tour leader (itinerary attached to letter of Aug. 2, 1963), but which was postponed until 1965 (see MCC News Service, June 19, 1964); "A. R. Kaufman's impressions - and information on Russia, Tour to Russia July 15-Aug. 10, 1963, 4p. and "A. R. Kaufman's trip to Russia July 9 to Aug. 14, 1963", both with letter of Aug. 29, 1963; letters of 1963 and 1964 from relatives of Frank H. Epp in Canada and the USSR and a letter of Oct. 1964 in German with a person in the USSR who wanted to make contacts through Frank H. Epp, all with letter of Dec. 20, 1963; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp (undated), on some of the people from the Russian Delegation?: Franklin L. Wiebe, Victor Krueger, Mrs. (David) Helena Pauls, attached to notice, "Visit of the Baptists from the Soviet Union to Mennonite churches in North America," with letter of June 3, 1964.
Transferred to CGUC Map Collection: wall sized map, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, The National Geographic Magazine, Dec. 1944.
98 - F - USSR64 USSR, 1963-1964. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: a selection of the newspaper articles that were in the file and two Russian newspapers: "May Day - Friendship - Peace" May 4, 1963, in English and one in Russian from Mar.? 1963.
Removed: 3 articles from 1960 by A. C. Forrest in The United Church Observer: "Travelling in Russia... What's it like?" in Oct. 1, p.14f., "What young Russians say!" in Oct. 15, 1960, p.13f. and "Voices from behind the curtain" in Nov. 1, 1960, p.8f.; Paul B. Anderson, "The Status of religion in the Soviet Union" in The Canadian Mennonite, Feb. 15, 1963, p.5; "The 'New men' of the Soviet sixties" and "The Screws are tightened again," in The Reporter, May 9, 1963, p.16-24; "The Many worlds of Soviet Russia" in Maclean's Magazine, Nov. 16, 1964, p.30f.; "The Visitors A Decade of cultural exchange" in Saturday Review, Oct. 29, 1966, p.53f.
98 - F - USSR65 USSR, 1964-1965. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp with Menno Travel service and interested participants for his trip to the USSR in 1965 as the group tour leader, July 26 to Aug. 31 (see announcement in MCC News Service, Feb. 19, 1965); 2 maps of Moscow (one being an Intourist map); Frank H. Epp, "Why go to Russia?" article written for periodicals and individuals, Mar. 10, 1965; letter of Nov. 15, 1965 promoting a tour to the Soviet Union in 1966.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 5 maps of the German settlements in the USSR by Dr. K. Stumpp: Karte I, "Karte der deutschen Siedlungen bzw. Siedlungsgebiete im asiatischen Teil der Sowjetunion: Nord-(Sibirien) u. Mittelasien" ("Map of German settlements, in particular, settlement regions in the Asian part of the Soviet Union: Northern Siberia and Middle Asia"), 1964; Karte II, "Karte der deutschen Siedlungen in den Gebieten Omsk, Slawgorod (Kulunda-Steppe) Zelinograd (Akmolinsk)," 1964; Karte III, "Karte der deutschen Siedlungen im Raum Alt-Samara, Ufa-Dawlekanowo, Orenburg, Neu-Samara und Aktjubinsk," 1964; Karte IV, "Karte der noch heute bestehenden deutschen Siedlungsgebiete und deutschen Doerfer im europaeischen (Orenburg/Ufa) und asiatischen Teil der Sowjetunion (Kasachtan, Kirgisien u. Sibirien)" ("Map of the German settlements and German villages still existant today in the european (Orenburg/Ofa) and asian part of the Soviet Union (Kasachtan, Kirgisia and Siberia"), 1964; Karte V, "Karte der ehemaligen u. heutigen Siedlungsgebiete der Deutschen in der Sowjetunion," ("Map of former and current settlement areas of Germans in the Soviet Union"), 1962. (See,
98 - F - USSR65 USSR, 1964-1965, for 2 maps of Moscow from Frank H. Epp's trip, one being an Intourist map.)
98 - F - USSR66 USSR, 1965-1966. Includes: correspondence beginning Sept. 1965 about a tour July 13 to Aug. 3, 1966; list of past tour members in 1964 and 1965; itinerary of 1966 tour; handwritten letter in German (undated) from Frank H. Epp's father giving information about where their family had lived in the Soviet Union.
98 - F - USSR67 USSR, 1966-1968. Includes: correspondence beginning (including with parliamentary member S. J. Enns) Apr. 17, 1967 and continuing to Jan. 1968 about a possible choir tour to the USSR led by George Wiebe of Canadian Mennonite Bible College; information about the Baptist churches in the Soviet Union from Mr. Lohrenz; "Questions directed at the delegation which visited the Soviet Union, Oct. 26-Nov. 14, 1966," in which the Mennonite representatives were David P. Neufeld, Frank C. Peters and William T. Snyder and the situation of the Soviet churches and the Mennonites were discussed, 14p.
Removed: "Common Life of the Russian people," in Gospel Messenger, Jan. 4, 1964, p.14f.; "Baptist in Samarkand," in Gospel Herald, Jan. 7, 1964; "In Russia there's just one union - The Soviet Union," in The Winnipeg Tribune, Nov. 19, 1966, p.7; "A Soviet 'epic' town grows in Siberia," in The Christian Science Monitor, July 16, 1966, p.9.
98 - F - USSR68 USSR, 1968. Includes: correspondence and papers related to Frank H. Epp's trip made in 1968 on behalf of Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section to Europe and the USSR as well as to the World Council Assembly in Uppsala, Sweden (see his letter of Mar. 12, 1968 clarifying the purposes of the trip); visa application of Frank H. Epp , Jan. 2, 1968, which includes the names and addresses of his relatives in the USSR whom he wished to visit; list of persons and organizations linked to the "Church World Service programs of relief and rehabilitation," published by the National Council of Churches in the United States,
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 2 photos taken in the USSR, 18 cm x 24 cm, one with a group of men (unidentified) and the other of a large gathering, possibly a church audience, of mostly women (wearing kerchiefs), copies of which are in this file. See also,
98 - F - CMBC Can. Menn. Bible College, 1968-1972, above regarding possible choir tours.
98 - F - USSR71 USSR, 1969-1972. Includes: correspondence in Nov. 1971 on a proposed study tour to the USSR; letter to Frank H. Epp, Mar. 3, 1972, from Gerhard Lohrenz giving suggestions for travel in the USSR.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Passport photos of Frank H. and Helen L. Epp, taken May 1969. See other passport photos of theirs in their expired passports in 8. Biography - g - Pe - EFH - Pa Passports, 1966-1979.
98 - F - USSR76 USSR, 1974-1976. Includes: brochure for "Discover your heritage Tour," Aug. 4-25, 1976, presented by Freeman Junior College; travel brochures from Alma Ata, Zaporijia (1974), Moscow, Leningrad and Berlin; Mike Davidow, The Soviet Union through the eyes of an American (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1975); F. Morgun, Korn und Mensch (Moskau: APN-Verlag, 1975); brochure in Russian showing and describing the samovar (1976?).
98 - F - USSR76 USSR, 1976-1977. Includes: pre and post trip correspondence, with Menno Travel Service starting Dec. 1975 and to family members in Sept. 1976; items from Frank H. and Helen Epp's trip to Russia and Indonesia in 1976; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp on people he met and places he visited (eg. Lenin Library); "Russia and glimpses of Europe Tour" Tour members handbook (Menno Travel Service) for tour conducted by G. J. Lohrenz, July 1-22, 1976; letter of Frank H. Epp to their three daughters, June 29, 1976 with trip itinerary attached; 2 Menno Travel Service letters for trip plans for 1977.
Removed: "Soviet Union is cracking down on foreign aid to its citizens," in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, June 19, 1976, Section 4, p.35.
See also, 103 - Ar - 76 USSR, 1976, for two articles by Frank H. and Helen Epp from this trip
98 - F - USSR81 USSR, 1980-1981. Includes: correspondence for the study tour to Russia which Frank H. and Helen Epp planned to take, Frank going as chair of the Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section. In the end the tour was cancelled. See especially, letters of Sept. 5, 1980 and Apr. 28, 1981.
98 - F - USSR82 USSR (Before), 1978-1982. Includes: correspondence and articles of preparation for the Moscow Peace Conference which Frank H. Epp attended on behalf of MCC Peace Section along with Peter J. Dyck, May 10-14, 1982; Walter Sawatsky, "Review article The Legal status of churches in the Soviet Union," offprint of Review of Socialist Law (1978), pp.160-164; letter of Apr. 7, 1982 to Billy Graham from Peter J. Dyck asking to meet with him and Frank H. Epp before the conference; "Mennonite Central Committee Message to International Peace Conference Moscow, May 10-14, 1982, of which there were multiple copies in the file, which Epp and Dyck were to distribute at the conference; "MCC Representatives invited to Moscow Peace Conference," in Mennonite Central Committee News Service, May 7, 1982, attached to MCC Memo of May 6, 1982; "Answers to some topical questions," by Leonid Brezhnev.
98 - F - USSR82 USSR (During 1), 1982. Includes: conference program, plenary sessions and copies of presentations.
98 - F - USSR82 USSR (During 2), 1982. Includes: invitations and programs for various events during the conference; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 4 photographs 18x23cm (7x9 in) from the conference, showing, Frank H. Epp and Peter J. Dyck listening with earphones on (which was cropped for publication in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, May 22, 1982), leaders on the platform in the hall where they met including the head? of the Russian Orthodox Church (under whose auspices the conference took place) and Billy Graham on the platform with other conference participants, some of which were published in Mennonite Weekly Review, May 27, 1982 and in other Mennonite newspapers. See, 103 - Ar - 82 Moscow, 1982 for copies of the latter.
98 - F - USSR82 USSR (Clippings), 1982. Includes: news clippings of conference articles. Copies of some of them are in, 103 - Ar - 82 Moscow, 1982.
98 - F - USSR83 USSR, 1983-1984. Includes: information on a proposed MCC Peace Study Tour to the USSR which the Epps could not participate in since they were going to the Philippines in 1983; letter to Frank H. Epp from a member of the World Federalists, Kitchener-Waterloo Chapter concerning an exchange of pen pals in Canada and the USSR.
98 - F Sab Sabbatical, 1974-1979. Includes: brief correspondence of Frank H. Epp exploring various sabbatical possibilities, in the USSR and the Middle East.
98 - F Vi Vietnam, 1971-1972. Includes: reports and letters from members of other denominations going to Vietnam; Nguyen-Lang Canh and Don Luce, "An Approach to post-war service priorities in South Viet-Nam," An Interim report of an investigation commissioned by the Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service of the World Council of Churches, Oct. 1969, 57p.; "Preliminary outline, Canadian Church Leaders' Indochina visit 1972."
98 - F WCC WCC Assembly - Sweden, 1968-1969. Includes: correspondence for Frank H. Epp's travel to attend the World Council of Churches Fourth Assembly at Uppsala, Sweden on behalf of Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section and as an accredited press representative (see letters of Mar. 18 and June 13, 1968 regarding the latter); correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's exploratory trip to the Middle East after the Uppsala Assembly (see letters of June 4 and 10th, 1968 regarding the latter); correspondence following the Assembly in August 1968 regarding Frank H. Epp's reports on Uppsala; general mailing of Feb. 28, 1969 from WCC.
98 - F WC72 World Conference, Menn., 1971-1973. Includes: correspondence from before and after the 1972 trip of Frank H. and Helen Epp to Curitiba, South America to attend the Mennonite World Conference and visit Mennonite colonies in Brazil (see letter of Mar. 9, 1972, attached to Feb. 13, 1972, regarding their plans and correspondence between the families of Frank H. and Bruno Epp); papers related to Menno Tour #261 in which the Epps participated; letter of July 3, 1972 from Burton Buller to Larry Kehler, editor of The Mennonite, regarding Frank H. Epp's pictures from the conference; copy of Im Dienst der Liebe, Jan.-Apr. 1973, publication of Km 81, the leprosy station in Asuncion, Paraguay. See also, 103 - Ar - 72 Bolivia, 1972, regarding Frank H. Epp's photographs from this trip.
98 - F WC84 World Conference, Menn., 1980-1981. Includes: a few letters regarding planning for the Mennonite World Conference in Strasbourg in 1984; some discussion of the need for maps (Frank H. Epp is listed with others from Ontario as representing Ontario/Canadian interests in Mennonite history, research, tours, etc.)
98 - F WCP World Conference, Menn., Praesidium, 1973. Includes: correspondence with Menno Travel Service for Frank H. Epp's travel to attend the Mennonite World Conference praesidium meetings.
98 - F WCP World Conference, Menn., Praesidium, 1976. Includes: correspondence with the General Conference Mennonite Church whom Frank H. Epp was representing at the Mennonite World Conference Praesidium meetings in Indonesia in 1976. Frank and Helen Epp both travelled to Indonesia and are both shown in several of the 16 (14x9) photos, copies of which are in the file. Willard and May Swartley are shown in photo #7.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 16 14x9 cm photos of different groups of participants at the praesidium meetings in Semarang, Indonesia and one group photo. See the Mennonite World Conference Newsletter, Vol.1, No.2 (July 1976), included in the file, for a different published photo of the group. Frank H. Epp is on both photos.
98 - P Parks, 1957-1965, 1973. Includes: brochures for national parks in Canada (Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba) and the US (Yosemite); pamphlet for International Peace Garden, Boissevain, Manitoba; "Cyprus Lake Provincial Park Trail Guide," Georgian Bay Trail.
98 - P- Point Pelee National Park - Included one clipping: "Point Pelee defies ravages of mankind," in Globe and Mail, May 27, 1985, P.M5, which was removed. File withdrawn.
98 - R Routes, 1959-1963. Includes: article on intercontinental highway routes; Adventure along the Trans-Canada Highway (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1963). Removed: information on resorts and picnic sites in southern Manitoba in the Winnipeg Free Press, June 23, 1962, p.19 and June 20, 1964, p.10-11.
98 - T Travel Tricks - Included one clipping: "800 days around world," in Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 15, 1963, about three young Germans travelling around the world, which was removed. File withdrawn.
Last modified 11-Jan-2011 by Laureen Harder-Gissing