Generally 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday to Friday. An appointment in advance is recommended.
Mennonite Archives of OntarioConrad Grebel University College
140 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G6
Phone: 519-885-0220 x24238
Dates of creation: 1949-1989
Physical description: 40 cm of textual records
Biographical sketch: Calvin Wall Redekop (1925-2022) was born in Volt, Montana, the son of Jacob K. Redekop and Katherine Wall. He married Freda Pellman (1930- ) on 20 August 1955. They had three sons. Redekop received his B.A. from Goshen College in 1949, his M.A. at the University of Minnesota in 1955, and his Ph.D. in Sociology and Anthropology from the University of Chicago in 1959. He taught at Hesston College (1955-1962); Earlham College (1962-1967); Goshen College (1967-1976); Tabor College (Vice-President, 1976-1978); and Conrad Grebel College (1979-1990). Following retirement he and Freda moved to Harrisonburg, VA, where he continued his academic endeavors.
Redekop was a prolific writer. His most significant monographs included Anabaptist/Mennonite faith and economics edited with Victor A. Krahn and Samuel J. Steiner; Creation & the environment : an Anabaptist perspective on a sustainable world (edited); Entrepreneurs in the faith community : profiles of Mennonites in business edited with Benjamin W. Redekop; The free church and seductive culture; Kingdom, cross, and community : essays on Mennonite themes in honor of Guy F. Hershberger edited with John Richard Burkholder; Leaving Anabaptism : from Evangelical Mennonite Brethren to Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches ; Mennonite entrepreneurs withStephen C. Ainlay and Robert Siemens; Mennonite identity : historical and contemporary perspectives edited with Samuel J. Steiner; Mennonite society; The Old Colony Mennonites: dilemmas of ethnic minority life; The Pax story : service in the name of Christ, 1951-1976; A Reader in sociology : Christian perspectives edited with Calvin Redekop and William L. Smith-Hinds; Strangers become neighbors : Mennonite and indigenous relations in the Paraguayan Chaco; Who am I? what am I? : searching for meaning in your work with Urie A. Bender.
Redekop also was involved in the work of the church. He served with Mennonite Central Committee in Europe following World War II and served for many years with the Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) and its predecessors, and edited its journal, Marketplace, until 1985.
Custodial history: Donated to the Mennonite Archives of Ontario by Calvin Redekop in the 1980s, with the exception of the Koinonia file, which came as a transfer from the Archives of the Mennonite Church in 2013.
Scope and content: The fonds includes correspondence, research documents, and a variety of unpublished papers. A list of materials withdrawn from the fonds during processing is located at the beginning of the fonds.
Addy, Edwin, Tuscon, Arizona
Bartel, Gerhard, Calgary, Alberta
Bingeman, Jonas, Kitchener, Ontario
Benner, Richard. Pheonix, Arizona
Bergen, Marten, Winnipeg, Man
Bochman, Leland, Lilendale, Alberta
Braun, George, Mt. Lehman, B.C.
Buhler, Peter and Susie, Cochrane, Alberta
Buhr, John, Calgary, Alberta
Chupp, Sam, Pheonix, Arizona
Defehr, A.A., Winnipeg
DeFehr, Cornelius, Fresno, California
Dueck, Jack, Goshen, Indiana
Dyck, John van
Dyck, Rudolf
Ediger, Herman, Dallas, Oregon
Enns, Peter A, Kingsburg, California
Enns, Peter W., Winkler, Manitoba
Epp, David, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Erb, Vernon, New Hamburg
Esbenshad, Wilmer
Friesen, David, Winnipeg, Man
Friesen, DK
Friesen, Menno
Friesen, Ted, Altona, Man.
Glick, Vernon, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Goertzen, Walter, Calgary, Alberta
Good, Merle & Phyllis
Graber, Merle, Pheonix, Arizona
Hallman, J.C., Kitchener, On
Hartman, Dwight, Vancouver, British Columbia
Hernley, Ralph H, Scottdale, Pennsylvania
Hochstedler, John S.
Holler [i.e. Hallman], Lyle, Kitchener, Ontario
Hudson, Marg
Janzen, Jake, Lethbridge, Alberta
Janzen, Vic, Winnipeg, Man
Jost, Art, Reedley, California
Klassen, Ernest, Winnepeg, Man
Klassen, Hilda and George, Calgary, Alberta
Krahn, Victor, Abbotsford, British Columbia
Krause, Peter , Richmond, British Columbia
Kropf, James, Pheonix, Arizona
Lehman, Jan, Jr.
Lemons, Gene, Albany Ontario
Letkeman, Peter L., Clearbrook, British Columbia
Lewis, Gene, Fresno, California
Loewen, Jake, Altona, Manitoba
Loewen, Peter, Abbostford British Columbia
Martens, Clarence [Corny], Winnipeg, Manitoba
Martens, Willie, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Miller, Bert
Mullett, Emanuel, Berlin, Ohio
Mullet, Roy
Neufeld, Isaac, Lethbridge, Alberta
Neufeld, Jacob
Pellman, Ruth and Bill
Penner, John, Calgary, Alberta
Penner, Peter, Reedley, California
Pletz, Vernon, Fresno, California
Poetker, Bernie, Kitchener Ontario
Redekop, Henry W., Winnipeg, Manitoba
Redekop, John, Abbotsford, British Columbia
Reimer, Frank, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Regehr, Robert, Dr.
Rempel, Henry, Abbotsford, British Columbia
Remple, Jake
Sauder, Erie, Drenchhold, Ohio
Schantz [i.e. Shantz], Elmer, Cambridge, On.
Schlegel, Ron
Schrock, Ammon
Sensernig, Titus, Ephrata, Pennsylvania
Shantz, Milo, St. Jacobs Ontario
Smucker, Paul
Steiner, Richard
Strumpski, Fred, Abbotsford B.C.
Thiessen, A.J., Winnipeg, Man.
Voth, Waldo, Goessel, Kansas
Weaver, Martin, Bareville, Pennsylvania
Wiebe, Art, Frenso, California
Wiebe, Hugh, Clearbrook, BC
Wogner, Doug
Yost, Art
Yost, Lyle
Zinker, Jeanne Hartman
Generally 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday to Friday. An appointment in advance is recommended.
Phone: 519-885-0220 x24238
Conrad Grebel University College
140 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G6
All information on this website is copyright by the Mennonite Archives of Ontario, Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Permission is granted to include URL references to this information for noncommercial purposes, provided that proper attribution is given.
Conrad Grebel University College is situated on the traditional territory of the Attawandaron (Neutral), Anishinaabeg, and Haudenosaunee peoples. Read Grebel's full territorial acknowledgement.