Are you interested in participating in this study?
Please read the below information, and then fill out your contact information if eligible for either phase.
Phase 1 Information
Phase 1 is open to anyone in Ontario who self-identifies with either ADHD or ASD and actively travels (via walking, cycling, transit or driving). In this phase of the research, participants will sit down for an online interview that will take approximately 20 minutes. Questions will be asked about:
- Your current transportation practices, and
- Your preferred conditions for different modes.
The interviews will be audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Excerpts from the interview discussion may be quoted in publications and/or presentations that arise from this research. However, these quotes will not be attributed to any individual participant, and your participation will remain anonymous.
If you are interested in participating in Phase 1, please ensure:
- You are over 18 years of age.
- You live in Ontario.
- You self-identify with either ASD or ADHD. Both those who have been professionally diagnosed and self-diagnosed are eligible.
- You actively travel in your community (walk, bicycle, transit, or drive).
- You are aware this interview will be conducted via online video-conferencing software, such as Zoom or via phone call.
- You are aware the interview will take approximately 20 minutes of your time and will be audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim.
- You are aware that verbal consent will be asked for prior to the start of the interview.
Phase 1 was completed in Spring 2024. If you would like more information about the findings, please contact Samantha Leger.
Phase 2 Information
In Phase 2, the study looks to take University of Waterloo students who self-identify with either ASD or ADHD on go-alongs between the University of Waterloo and Uptown Waterloo. You will have the options of two routes to partake in for the walk-along. Both routes will start from the University of Waterloo campus. In Route 1, you and the researcher will walk into the Northdale community and loop back to the University of Waterloo campus. In Route 2, you and the researcher will walk to the Waterloo-Park ION stop and take the ION to Uptown Waterloo and then walk back. Please bring your WatCard with you for the interview if you are interested in going on Route 2 as it will be needed to access the ION.
These walks will traverse a range of different street typologies and ask questions such as How does this street make you feel? What features of the street are most noticeable to you and in what way? Would this be a street you typically travel on? What modes would you feel comfortable using on this street?
If a part of the pre-planned route becomes uncomfortable at any given time during the interview, an alternate route will be sought. You will not be taken anywhere that does not feel safe or comfortable to you.The route will take 1 hour, and then the student researcher will walk with you back to campus (1.5 hour walk overall). By talking about your experiences, you will help urban planners design more inclusive streets which accommodate for the needs of those who are neurodiverse.
A map of the proposed routes is available below. The walk-along interviews will be audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Excerpts from the interview discussion may be quoted in publications and/or presentations that arise from this research. However, these quotes will not be attributed to any individual participant, and your participation will remain anonymous.
If you are interested in participating in Phase 2, please ensure:
- You are over 18 years of age.
- You are currently a student enrolled at the University of Waterloo.
- You self-identify with either ASD or ADHD. Both those who have been professionally diagnosed and self-diagnosed are eligible.
- You actively travel in your community (walk, bicycle, transit, or drive).
- You are aware participation requires you to take part in a two-part in-person interview for approximately 2 hours and that the interview will be audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim.
- You are aware this interview will require you to walk with the researcher from the University of Waterloo campus to uptown Waterloo.
- You are aware the walking route will take approximately 1.5 hours.
- You are aware that verbal consent will be asked for prior to the start of the interview.
If this fits your description, and you are interested in participating in Phase 2, please fill out our Phase 2 contact form.