View our frequently asked questions regarding the faculty and staff accommodation process below. Should you require more immediate accommodations and support for safely accessing the campus for in-person activities, please complete a Workplace Accommodation Form and Medical Verification of Disability Form and submit it to Occupational Health.
Who is required to be vaccinated against COVID-19, and who can request an accommodation?
All University of Waterloo faculty and staff coming to campus must provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19. The University will provide accommodations for rare cases where faculty and staff cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons or grounds protected by the Ontario Human Rights Code.
How do I request a COVID-19 vaccine accommodation?
You can request a COVID-19 vaccine accommodation by completing the COVID-19 Campus Check-In - Proof of Vaccine Submission Form by September 7, 2021.
What supporting documentation will I need for a COVID-19 vaccine accommodation?
For an exemption to the mandatory vaccination mandate due to a medical condition/disability, the Employee Verification of Vaccine Accommodation - Due to a Medical Condition (.pdf) will need to be completed by your licensed physician or nurse practitioner and re-submitted to the COVID-19 Campus Check-In - Proof of Vaccine Submission Form by October 17, 2021.
For an exemption the mandatory vaccination mandate due to other grounds protected under th Ontario Human Rights Code, the Mandatory Vaccination Exemption Form – Statement of Creed/Religious Belief (.pdf) will need to be completed and signed by a Commissioner of Oath and re-submitted to the COVID-19 Campus Check-In - Proof of Vaccine Submission Form by October 17, 2021.
How will I know if I am eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine accommodation?
Occupational Health will contact you during the fall 2021 term to discuss your need for a vaccine accommodation beyond fall 2021 and to ensure you have an appropriate accommodation plan in place.
What must I do to be safe on campus, and help keep others safe?
- If you are coming to campus:
- You must test negative on a rapid antigen test no more than 72 hours before coming to our campuses and buildings. COVID-19 testing, rapid screening and vaccination is available through Campus Wellness for all University of Waterloo students, employees, postdocs and their family members.
- Wear a face mask or other appropriate face covering in all common indoor spaces, in accordance with University guidelines. If you require a face covering accommodation due to disability or other grounds related to the Ontario Human Rights Code, please refer to the University’s face covering exemption request process.
- You must be eligible for a faculty and staff vaccine accommodation by October 17, 2021 in order to continue to access campus.