
A. Graduate positions in Clostridioides difficile stress defense response and pathogenesis

Position Description:

Open positions for domestic MSc and/or PhD students are available in the Olaitan Research Group starting in Fall 2023.

The selected candidates will work on an exciting project to understand stress defense response in Clostridioides difficile, combining cutting-edge techniques in molecular microbiology, genomics, transcriptomics, bioinformatics, and animal infection modeling.

We are specifically interested in candidates who are highly motivated and detail-oriented with competencies or strong interest in:

  • wet lab skills necessary to conduct scientific research in anaerobic microbiology
  • host-pathogen interaction or microbial pathogenesis
  • next-generation sequencing or bioinformatics
  • infection animal (mouse or hamster) modeling

Trainees will have the opportunity to work in a collaborative and supportive environment, acquire cutting-edge skills, present research findings at national and international conferences, and publish findings in reputable international journals.

Application Instructions:

Prospective Masters or PhD candidates are encouraged to email Dr. Olaitan at aolaitan@uwaterloo.ca with the following: Curriculum vitae, unofficial academic transcript, and a brief description of your research interest and how this aligns with the project or the lab. Applicants must possess a BSc (for MSc position) or research-based MSc (for PhD position).

B. Undergraduate Opportunities

Biology 499 Honours Thesis

Students interested in BIOL 499 research project are highly encouraged to apply.

Project: Mechanism of metronidazole resistance in C. difficile

Details: Applicants are expected to have completed courses in microbiology (including laboratory coursework), biochemistry, and/or molecular biology with a high level of academic achievement (78%+).

Application Instructions:

Please email Dr. Olaitan (aolaitan@uwaterloo.ca) your CV, transcripts, and a brief description of your research interests and how they align with the project in the lab.