Winners 2023


Best Poster Presentation (Undergraduate)

"Investigating Motivated Cognition in People's Evaluation of COVID Restriction Research"

Joshua R. C. Budge*, Jonathan A. Fugelsang, & Derek J. Koehler

Best Oral Presentation (Undergraduate)

"Comparing encoding techniques to maximize memory for Korean characters"

Brian Kim*, Sophia H.N. Tran, & Myra A. Fernandes

Best Poster Presentation (Graduate)

"How intersectional identities affect perceived vulnerability to racism"

Grace L. M. Denney*, Richard Eibach, Hilary B. Bergsieker

Best Oral Presentation (Graduate)

"Broad effects of shallow understanding: Explaining an unrelated phenomenon exposes the illusion of explanatory depth"

Ethan A. Meyers*, Jeremy D. Gretton, Joshua R. C. Budge, Jonathan A. Fugelsang, & Derek J. Koehler