Selected Publications
- CR Wang, J Mahmood, QR Zhang, A Vedadi, J Warrington, N Ou, RG Bristow, DA Jaffray, QB Lu, In Vitro and In Vivo Studies of a New Class of Anticancer Molecules for Targeted Radiotherapy of Cancer. Mol. Cancer Ther. (2016) doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-15-0862.
- QB Lu, A monograph "New Theories and Predictions on the Ozone Hole and Climate Change", World Scientific Publishing Co. (New Jersey, London, Singapore, July 2015), 308 pages. (Invited book). (See a Press Release by WSPC, )
- QB Lu, QR Zhang, N Ou, CR Wang and J Warrington. In vitro and in vivo Studies of Non-Platinum-Based Halogenated Compounds as a New Class of Potent Anti-tumor Agents for Natural Targeted Chemotherapy of Cancers. EBioMedicine 2: 544-553 (2015) (EBioMedicine is a new journal published with the editorial leadership of Cell Press and The Lancet and focused on translational and clinical research) (Selected by Elsevier for a Press Release:, and highlighted by a commentary article in EBioMD).
- T Luo, BC Wilson & QB Lu, Evaluation of One- and Two-Photon Activated Photodynamic Therapy with Pyropheophorbide-a Methyl Ester in Human Cervical, Lung and Ovarian Cancer Cells, J. Photochem. Photobio. B: Biology 132, 102–110 (2014)
- L.Y.Lu, N. Ou, & QB Lu, Antioxidant Induces DNA Damage, Cell Death and Mutagenicity in Human Lung and Skin Normal Cells. Sci. Rep. 3, 3169(1-11) (2013). This paper provides the first demonstration of a reductive DNA damaging mechanism in the cellular process and a plausible mechanism for antioxidant inducing cancer.
- QB Lu, Cosmic-Ray-Driven Reaction and Greenhouse Effect of Halogenated Molecules: Culprits for Atmospheric Ozone Depletion and Global Climate Change” was published in International Journal of Modern Physics B Vol. 27 (2013) 1350073 (38 pages), available online at: ; an earlier version was published at .
- QB Lu, On Cosmic-Ray-Driven Electron Reaction Mechanism for Ozone Hole and Chlorofluorocarbon Mechanism for Global Climate Change, arXiv:1210.1498 (2012).
- Ting Luo, Jianqing Yu, Jenny Nguyen, Chun-Rong Wang, Robert G. Bristow, David A. Jaffray, Xiao Zhen Zhou, Kun Ping Lu and Qing-Bin Lu, Electron-Transfer Based Combination Therapy of Cisplatin with Tetramethyl-p-Phenylenediamine for Ovarian, Cervical and Lung Cancers, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (PNAS), Published online before print June 8, 2012, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1203451109, (2012)
- Jenny Nguyen, Yuhan Ma, Ting Luo, Robert G. Bristow, David A. Jaffray and Qing-Bin Lu, Direct Observation of Ultrafast Electron Transfer Reactions Unravels High Effectiveness of Reductive DNA Damage. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA (PNAS), doi:10.1073/pnas.1104367108,(2011).
- C.-R. Wang and QB Lu, Molecular Mechanism of the DNA Sequence Selectivity of 5-Halo-2’-Deoxyuridines as Potential Radiosensitizers, J.Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 14710–14713 (2010), DOI: 10.1021/ja102883a (IF=10), published online on October 1st, 2010.
- QB Lu, “What is the Major Culprit for Global Warming: CFCs or CO2?” Journal of Cosmology 8, 1846-1862(2010).
- QB Lu, “Effects of Ultrashort-Lived Prehydrated Electrons in Radiation Biology and Their Applications for Radiotherapy of Cancer”, Reviews in Mutation Research 704, 190–199(2010) (IF= 7.1)
- QB Lu, “Dissociative Electron Transfer Reactions of Halogenated Molecules Adsorbed on Ice Surfaces: Implications for Atmospheric Ozone Depletion and Global Climate Change”, Physics Reports 487, 141-167(2010), (IF= 20)
- C.-R. Wang, J. Nguyen and QB Lu, “Bond Breaks of Nucleotides by Dissociative Electron Transfer of Nonequilibrium Prehydrated Electrons”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 11320(2009) (IF= 8.6, highlighted in a News & Views article by Dr. Leon Sanche in NATURE 461, 358-359(2009)).
- QB Lu, “Correlation between Cosmic Rays and Ozone Depletion”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 118501 (2009) (IF= 7.2).
- C.-R. Wang, T. Luo and QB Lu, “On the Lifetimes and Physical Nature of Prehydrated Electrons in Liquid Water”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10, 4463 (2008), Selected as a Hot Article in PCCP.
- C.-R. Wang, K. Drew, T. Luo, M.-J. Lu and QB Lu, “Resonant Dissociative Electron Transfer of the Presolvated Electron to CCl4 in Liquid: Direct Observation and Lifetime of the CCl4*- Transition State”, J. Chem. Phys.128, 041102(2008).
- C.-R. Wang and QB Lu, “Real-Time Observation of Molecular Reaction Mechanism of Aqueous 5-halo-2’-deoxyurimidines under UV/Ionizing Radiation”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 46, 6316(2007) (IF= 11.8).
- QB Lu, S. Kalantari and C.-R. Wang, “Electron Transfer Reaction Mechanism of Cisplatin with DNA at the Molecular Level”, Molecular Pharmaceutics 4, 624(2007) (IF= 4.6).
- QB Lu, “Molecular Reaction Mechanisms of Combination Treatments of Low-Dose Cisplatin with Radiotherapy and Photodynamic Therapy”, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 50, 2601(2007). (IF= 4.9).
- C.-R. Wang, A. Hu and QB Lu, “Direct Observation of the Transition State of Ultrafast Electron Transfer Reaction of a Radiosensitizing Drug Bromodeoxyuridine”. J. Chem. Phys. 124, 241102(2006). Selected for Republication in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research (July 1, 2006),, and in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science (July, 2006),
- QB Lu, J. S. Baskin and A. H. Zewail, 2004, “The Presolvated Electron in Water: Can It Be Scavenged at Long Range?”, J. Phys. Chem. B108, 10509-10514.
- QB Lu and L. Sanche, 2004, “Dissociative Electron Attachment to CF4, CFCs and HCFCs adsorbed on H2O Ice”, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 2434-.
- QB Lu and L. Sanche, 2003, “Condensed-Phase Effects on Absolute Cross Sections for Dissociative Electron Attachment to CFCs And HCFCs Adsorbed on Kr”. J. Chem. Phys. 119, 2658-2663.
- QB Lu and L. Sanche, 2003, "Large Enhancements in Dissociative Electron Attachment to Chlorine-Containing Molecules Adsorbed on H2O Ice: Implications for Atmospheric Ozone Depletion", in Dissociative Recombination of Molecules with Electrons, edited by S. L. Guberman (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers) p.461-468.
- QB Lu, A. D. Bass, and L. Sanche, 2002, “Superinelastic Electron Transfer: Electron Trapping in H2O Ice via the N2*-(2Pg) Resonance”, Physical Review Letters 88, 147601. (IF= 7.2).
- QB Lu and L. Sanche, 2001, “Large Enhancement in Dissociative Electron Attachment to HCl adsorbed on H2O Ice via Transfer of Presolvated Electrons”, Communication in Journal of Chemical Physics 115, 5711.
- QB Lu and L. Sanche, 2001, “Effects of Cosmic Rays on Atmospheric Chlorofluorocarbon Dissociation and Ozone Depletion”,Physical Review Letters 87, 078501. (IF= 7.2).
- QB Lu, T. E. Madey, L. Parenteau, F. Weik and L. Sanche, 2001, “Structural and Temperature Effects on Cl- Yields in Electron-Induced Dissociation of CF2Cl2 Adsorbed on Water Ice”, Chemical Physics Letters 342, p.1-6.QB Lu and L. Sanche,2001, “Enhanced Dissociative Electron Attachment to CF2Cl2 by Transfer of Electrons Localized in Pre-existing Traps of Water and Ammonia Ice”, Physical Review B63, p.153403.QB Lu and T. E. Madey, 2001, “Factors influencing Cl- and F- enhancements in electron-stimulated desorption of CF2Cl2coadsorbed with other gases”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B105, p.2779.
- QB Lu and T. E. Madey, 2000, “Mechanism for giant Cl- and F- enhancements in electron-induced dissociation of CF2Cl2 coadsorbed with water or ammonia ices”, Surface Science 451, p.238.
- QB Lu and T.E. Madey, 1999, "Giant enhancement of electron-induced dissociation of chlorofluorocarbons coadsorbed withwater or ammonia ices: Implications for the atmospheric ozone depletion", Communication in Journal of Chemical Physics 111, p.2861.
- QB Lu and T.E. Madey, 1999, "Negative-ion enhancements in electron-stimulated desorption of CF2Cl2 coadsorbed with nonpolar and polar gases on Ru(0001)", Physical Review Letters 82, p.4122. (IF= 7.2).
- QB Lu and T.E. Madey, 1999, "Electron-exposure effects on desorption of F-(Cl-) and F+(Cl+) ions from adsorbed CF2Cl2”, Surface Review and Letters 6, p.313.
- QB Lu, Z. Ma, T.E. Madey, 1998 "Observation of negative ion resonances in electron stimulated desorption of CF2Cl2 molecules adsorbed on Ru(0001) surfaces", Physical Review B(Condensed Matter) 58, p.16446.
- 35)QB Lu, R. Souda, D.J. O'Connor and B.V. King, 1996, "Electronic-structure modification and the adsorption site of oxygen on alkali (Cs) covered surfaces studied by normal exit Li- ion spectroscopy", Physical Review Letters 77, p.3236. (IF=7.2).
- QB Lu, R. Souda, D.J. O'Connor, B.V. King and R.J. MacDonald, 1996, "Electronic-structure effect on core-level excitations and charge transfer in ions scattering from alkali-metal covered surfaces", Physical Review B(Condensed Matter)-Rapid Communication 54, p.R8389.
- QB Lu, R. Souda, D.J. O'Connor and B.V. King, 1996, "Interaction of oxygen with Cs-monolayer covered Si(100) surface ", Physical Review B(Condensed Matter)–Rapid Communication 54, p.R17347.
- QB Lu, D.J. O'Connor, B.V. King and R.J. MacDonald, 1996, "Local electrostatic potential determination of Cs/Cu(111) surfaces by negative ion spectroscopy (NIS)", Surface Science Letters 347, p.L61.
- QB Lu, D.J. O'Connor, B.V. King, Y.G. Shen and R.J. MacDonald, 1995, "Temporary negative ion formation in interactions of low-energy inert gas ions (He+,Ne+) with Cs/Cu(111) surfaces", Surface Science 341, p.19.
- QB Lu, Y.X. Pan and H.R. Gao, 1990, "Optimum (Cs,O)/GaAs interface of negative-electron-affinity GaAs photocathodes", Journal of Applied Physics 68, p.634.
- H. R. Gao and QB Lu, 1990, "Investigation of electron emission stability of negative-electron-affinity cathodes", Vacuum 41, 1753.
- QB Lu, 1989, "A new model for the role of oxygen in the emitting surface of impregnated tungsten cathodes", International Journal of Electronics 67, p.645.
Selected conference presentations
- QB Lu, 2010, "DNA damage induced by dissociative electron transfer of ultrashort-lived, weakly-bound prehydrated electrons: Implications for cancer radiotherapy", Gordon Research Conference on Radiation Chemistry, N.H., USA, July 2010. Invited speaker.
- QB Lu, 2010, “Transdisciplinary Cancer Research: From Femtobiology to Femtomedicine and Anticancer Drug Discovery”, The 3rd World Cancer Congress 2010, Singapore, June 2010. Section chair and Invited speaker.
- QB Lu, 2010, “Implications of Halogenated and Polar Molecules (I) for Nature: from Ozone Hole to Global Warming”, Frontier of Chemistry, Paris, France, May 2010. Invited participant.
- QB Lu, 2010, “New Exciting Transdisciplinary Frontiers—Femtobiology and Femtomedicine”, 217th Electrochemical Society Congress, Vancouver, BC, April 2010. Invited speaker.
- QB Lu, “Progress on Cosmic Rays, Dissociative Electron Transfer of Halogenated Molecules and the Ozone Hole”, The XVI Symposium on electron molecule collisions and swarms, York University (July 29-Aug 1, 2009), invited talk.
- QB Lu, “Effects and Applications of Prehydrated Electrons in Radiation Biology and Radiotherapy”, ESF-EMBO Conference "Spatio-Temporal Radiation Biology: Transdisciplinary Advances for Biomedical Applications", Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain (May 16-21 2009). Oral presentation.
- QB Lu, “From Giant Anion Enhancements in DIET to the Molecular Mechanisms of Action of Anticancer Drugs”, XII Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions (DIET), Atlanta, GA (April 19-23, 2009). Oral presentation.
- QB Lu, NGUYEN J, WANG CR, CHAN P, “A New Molecular Mechanism of Action of a Leading Chemotherapeutic Drug—Cisplatin and Its Novel Applications”, Ehrlich II, 2nd World Conference on Magic Bullets, Celberating the 100th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize Awarded to Paul Ehrlich (Nurnberg, Germany, Oct. 3-5, 2008), Invited talk.
- Ting Luo, Hui-Ying Ding, Donna Strickland and QB Lu, Molecular Reaction Pathways for the Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Photodynamic Therapy, 2008 Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress, Quebec city.
- Chun-Rong Wang and QB Lu, “Pump-Probe Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopic Studies of the Molecular Mechanism for the DNA Sequence Sensitivity of Halopyrimidines as Radiosensitizing Drugs”. 2008 Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress, Quebec city.
- QB Lu, “Studies of molecular mechanisms of action of anticancer drugs using pump-probe femtosecond laser spectroscopy”, in Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXV, September, 2007 (Xiamen, China), co-Section Chair and invited speaker.
- C-R. Wang and QB Lu, “Studies of the molecular reaction mechanism of halopyrimidines as radio-/photosensitizing drugs using pump-probe femtosecond laser spectroscopy”, in Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXV, September, 2007 (Xiamen, China), oral presentation.
- T. Luo, D. Strickland and QB Lu, “Studies of the molecular mechanism of action of indocyanine green in photodynamic therapy using pump-probe femtosecond laser spectroscopy”, in Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXV, September, 2007 (Xiamen, China), oral presentation.
- C.-R. Wang and QB Lu, 2006, “Time-resolved femtosecond laser spectroscopic studies of the molecular reaction mechanism of bromodeoxyuridine as a radio-/photo-sensitizing drug”, 2006 Canadian Association of Physicists(CAP) Congress (Brock Univ., ON).
- S. Kalantari and QB Lu, 2006, “Time-resolved femtosecond laser spectroscopic studies of the molecular reaction mechanism of cisplatin as a chemotherapeutic drug”, 2006 Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress (Brock University, ON, June 11-14).
- QB Lu, 2006, “Studies of the Molecular Reaction Mechanisms of Anticancer Drugs using Time-Resolved Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy”, Oral presentation at 2006 Symposium on Chemical Physics (University of Waterloo, Nov. 3-5, 2006).
- Chun-Rong Wang and QB Lu, 2006, “Time-Resolved Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopic Studies of the Molecular Reaction Mechanism of Halopyrimidines as Candidate Drugs for Radiotherapy of Cancer”, 2006 Symposium on Chemical Physics, (University of Waterloo, Nov. 3-5, 2006).
- QB Lu, Saeed Kalantari, Chun-Rong Wang and Changnien Shi, 2006, “Time-Resolved Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopic Studies of the Molecular Reaction Mechanism of the Most Effective Chemotherapeutic Drug—Cisplatin”, 2006 Symposium on Chemical Physics, (University of Waterloo, Nov. 3-5, 2006).
- QB Lu, 2005, “High-sensitivity time-resolved femtosecond laser spectroscopic studies of light-activated drugs”, 2005 Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress: (Vancouver, BC, June 2005). Invited talk.
- C.-R. Wang and QB Lu, 2005, “Time-resolved femtosecond laser spectroscopic studies of drugs for cancer therapies”, GWPI, Summer Poster Presentation.
- QB Lu and L. Sanche, 2002, "Dissociative Electron Transfer Reactions of Chlorofluorocarbons Adsorbed on Ices: A New Pathway for the Formation of the Ozone Hole", Proceedings of the Surface Canada, Ottawa.
- QB Lu and L. Sanche, 2001, “Great enhancements in dissociative electron attachment to chlorine-containing molecules adsorbed on H2O/NH3 ice”, Proceedings of the American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting, Chicago. Invited talk.
- QB Lu, “Electron-Induced Dissociation of Chlorofluorocarbons Adsorbed on Polar Molecular Ices: Implications for Atmospheric Ozone Depletion”, Proceedings of the 15th International Vacuum Congress/11th International Congress on Solid Surfaces/ 48th AVS International Symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2001. 50 min invited talk.
- QB Lu and L. Sanche, 2001, “Enhanced dissociative electron attachment of chlorofluorocarbons in a polar molecular environment”, Proceedings of the XXII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- QB Lu and L. Sanche, 2000, “A possible new mechanism for the formation of the ozone hole in the Earth’s atmosphere”, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference for Worldwide Chinese Young Chemists, Xiamen, China.
- QB Lu and T.E. Madey, 1999, “Giant Cl- and F- enhancements in electron-stimulated desorption of CF2Cl2 coadsorbed with water or ammonia ices: implications for atmospheric ozone depletion”. Proceedings of the VII International Workship for Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions, New Jersey.
- QB Lu and T.E. Madey, 1999, “Giant negative-ion enhancements in electron-stimulated desorption of CF2Cl2 coadsorbed with water or ammonia ices: implications for atmospheric ozone depletion”, Proceedings of the 45th AVS International Symposium, Seattle, Washington.
- QB Lu and T. E. Madey, 1999, “Giant negative-ion enhancement in electron-induced dissociation of CF2Cl2 coadsorbed with water and ammonia ices”, Proceedings of the ACS meeting, New Orleans.
- QB Lu and T. E. Madey, 1999, “Trapped Electron Induced Dissociation of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs): Implications to Atmospheric Ozone Depletion”, Proceedings of the Gordon Research Conference on Dynamics at Surfaces, New Hampshire.
- M. N. Hedhili, QB Lu, T.E. Madey, M. Lachgar, Y. Le Coat, R. Azria, and M. Tronc, 1999, “Electron-induced processes in condensed films of CF2Cl2”, Proceedings of the VIII International Workship for Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions”, New Jersey.
- QB Lu and T.E. Madey, 1999, “Negative ion enhancement in electron-stimulated desorption of CF2Cl2 on Ru(0001) by coadsorption of rare gases”, 13th Annual Symposium of the Laboratory for Surface Modification and 1st Rutgers/Chalmers Joint Surface and Materials Symposium, Rutgers University.
- QB Lu and T.E. Madey, 1999, “Negative-ion enhancement in electron-stimulated desorption of CF2Cl2 and rare-gas (Xe, Kr,Ar) coadsorbed on Ru(0001)”, Proceedings of the 12th IISC, South Padre Island, TX.
- QB Lu and T.E. Madey, 1998, “Negative-ion enhancement in transport of low-energy F-and Cl- ions through rare-gas films”, Proceedings of the 45th AVS International Symposium, Baltimore, MD.
- QB Lu and T.E. Madey, 1998, "Transmission of Low Energy F and Cl Ions Through Ultrathin Xe Films", Proceedings of the APS March meeting, LA, Calif..
- QB Lu and T.E. Madey, 1998, “Unexpected Phenomena in Transmission of Low Energy F and Cl Ions Through Ultrathin Xe and Kr Films”, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium of the Laboratory for Surface Modification, Rutgers University.
- QB Lu, Z. Ma and T.E. Madey, 1997, "Negative ion formation in electron stimulated desorption of CF2Cl2 on Ru(0001) ", Proceedings of the 44th AVS National Symposium, San Jose, Calif..
- QB Lu, L. Zhang, and T.E. Madey, 1997, "Upgraded Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis", 4th New Jersey Symposium on Biomaterials and Medical Devices, New Brunswick, NJ.
- QB Lu, D.J. O'Connor, B.V. King and R.J. MacDonald, 1995, "Formation of Alkali Condensed excited states", in Proceedings of the 19th ANZIP Condensed Matter Physics Meeting, Wagga Wagga, Australia.
- QB Lu, D.J. O'Connor, B.V. King and R.J. MacDonald, 1995, "Negative ion spectra produced by low energy Li+ scattering from alkali covered surfaces", 9th AINSE Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis and the 3rd Vacuum Society of Australia Congress, Newcastle.
- QB Lu, Y.G. Shen, D. J. O'Connor, B.V. King and R.J. Macdonald, 1994, "Charge exchange process of low energy collisions of Li+ ions with Cs/Cu(111) surfaces", Proceedings of the 41st AVS National Symposium and 3rd International Conference on Nanometer-Scale Science & Technology, Denver, Colorado.