Degree: Nanotechnology Engineering, BASc 2022, MASc 2024
LinkedIn: Sahad Vasanji
What are you doing now and how does your engineering education from Waterloo help with your life today?
Living my best life post graduation. Concerning the Master's, UW's undergrad provided me sufficient breadth to comfortably tackle problems in fields which I have limited background.
Why did you decide to be a part of REAC?
During undergrad, working with peers in conferences, the Velocity Residence, student design teams, and hackathons were some of my fondest memories. I think REAC provides a means to connect with those like-minded community builders beyond Waterloo.
What is a favourite piece of advice or quote that you would be interested in sharing?
“I like getting older. I feel like I’m finally aging into my personality.” – Nick Miller
What was your favourite place to eat at in Waterloo?
What's a skill, routine or habit that you picked up at Waterloo that you didn’t expect to use in your career?
Cold-emailing or following up on emails with course instructors or university staff translates surprisingly well to networking.
What are your plans for the near future?
Soak up as much time in the outdoors before the snow comes. Also try out new recipes from this French cookbook I got recently!
Finally, do you have any fun and/or interesting media recommendations?
Brooklyn Duo does Cello and Piano covers of mainstream songs--check them out! https://www.youtube.com/@BrooklynDuo