Katrina Hermanns

Marketing/Communications Working Group Lead
Katrina Hermanns

Degree: Systems Design Engineering, BASc 2022 
LinkedIn: Katrina Hermanns

What are you doing now and how does your engineering education from Waterloo help with your life today?
I currently work in a hybrid role as a lead Software Engineer and Solutions Architect for a boutique consulting firm, which focuses on creating software solutions for public and private financial institutions. Outside of work I spend most of my time volunteering, reading and learning new things! Engineering at Waterloo taught me how to approach problems that I'm unfamiliar with and solve them using the knowledge I have, research that I determine is required, and the support of my peers/colleagues. I use this approach every day when solving design problems at work, and it's been particularly helpful when running workshops with clients.

Why did you decide to be a part of REAC?
As a recent alumni I was missing the strong sense of community that I felt when I was at Waterloo, as well as being surrounded by individuals who constantly look to grow and evolve. I wanted to help build the same sense of community and support in our alumni network, and found that opportunity in REAC.

What is a favourite piece of advice or quote that you would be interested in sharing?
As someone who tends to always have a lot on my plate, I found this analogy really helpful: You won't find balance 100% of the time - and that is ok. If you view your life as a novel, some chapters will focus on career, others might focus on relationships, one chapter might feel extremely chaotic but the following chapter might be slow. Overall, the goal is to be balanced and fulfilled across the whole story, even if each chapter has its own challenges and focus.

What was your favourite place to eat at in Waterloo?
Gol's Lanzhou Noodle got me through many tough exam seasons.

What are your plans for the near future?
I'm currently working towards two new technology focused certifications, which I plan on finishing early next year. I will continue travelling over the winter to visit friends and explore new places. I also recently moved into a new condo, and I plan on spending the next few months planning out intentional living spaces and decorations. I'm very excited that I'll be living in one spot for a while!

Finally, do you have any fun and/or interesting media recommendations? Could be a book, song, movie, documentary, videogame, etc.
I recently finished reading “The Culture Code” by Daniel Coyle, which I would highly recommend for anyone who is in or striving to be in a leadership position in their career or hobbies. I am currently reading ”Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea” by Charles Seife, which is a light but fascinating read that ties numbers and history together.