Muhammad Mohsin

Events Working Group Lead
Muhammad Mohsin

DegreeBiomedical Engineering, BASc 2022
LinkedIn: Muhammad Mohsin

What are you doing now and how does your engineering education from Waterloo help
with your life today?

I work as a product manager for an e-commerce company. Though my degree and career don't have a
direct path between them, I have found lessons learned during my time at Waterloo to be extremely
valuable, especially from the design courses we would take every semester.

Why did you decide to be a part of REAC?
I joined REAC to help participate and create events that I think I and my friends would want to attend
and participate in as Recent Engineering Alumni (kinda selfish, I know).

What is a favourite piece of advice or quote that you would be interested in sharing?
"There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly
finished yields the true glory." – Francis Drake

What was your favourite place to eat at in Waterloo?
This is a tough one, but I'd say Kinkaku/Jinzakaya. I would try to go for the AYCE at least once per
semester, normally as a way to celebrate on the last day of exams.

What are your plans for the near future?
Learning how to snowboard, I've spent enough years in Canada without picking up a winter hobby/sport
so this is the season!

Finally, do you have any fun and/or interesting media recommendations? Could be a
book, song, movie, documentary, videogame, etc.

Only recommendation I have: if you're in the Waterloo region, there's an EngPlay (almost) every
semester. Great comedic plays directed, acted in, and sometimes written by current Engineering
students, 10/10.