Degree: Mechatronics Engineering, BASc 2024
What are you doing now and how does your engineering education from Waterloo help with your life today?
I'm a product management leader in the robotics and AI software spaces. Much of my coop experience allowed me to explore product design in various industries and led me to what I do today.
Why did you decide to be a part of REAC?I'm passionate about mentorship and building communities. Joining REAC allows me to create opportunities for students and young professionals while continuing my involvement with UWaterloo as an alumnus.
What is a favourite piece of advice or quote that you would be interested in sharing?
Nothing worth doing ever comes easily.
What was your favourite place to eat at in Waterloo?
Masala Bay; they have a masterful use of spices!
What's a skill, routine or habit that you picked up at UWaterloo that you didn’t expect to use in your career?
I built the habit of time-blocking my calendar while in university. It's now an integral part of how I start each week to ensure I prioritize personal goals and rest alongside my work schedule.
What are your plans for the near future?
I'm looking forward to investing more time in traveling and carpentry.
Do you have any specific professional or career goals that you are working towards?
Product managers play a never-ending game when balancing feature roadmaps. As I gain more experience, I'd love to master the techniques and intuition for feature prioritization.
Do you have any fun and/or interesting media recommendations? Could be a book, song, movie, documentary, videogame, etc.
I'd recommend 'Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid' by Douglas Hofstadter. It's a great book that explores existential meaning from the perspectives of art, science, maths and philosophy.