Erin’s research focuses on how characteristics of couples’ romantic relationships influence individuals’ sexual satisfaction and sexual functioning. Her dissertation research examines how relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction are related over time, and how the quality of couples’ communication influences this relationship. Erin has also studied how accurately people perceive their partners’ sexual satisfaction and how people react when their partners experience sexual problems.
Publications and Presentations
Fallis, E., Purdon, C. L., & Rehman, U. S. (2012). Development and Validation of the Response to Sexual Difficulties Scale. Archives of Sexual Behavior, doi: 10.1007/s10508-012-9973-z
Rehman, U. S., & Fallis, E. (Forthcoming). Sexual Communication. In C. Pukall (Ed.), Human Sexuality. Oxford University Press.
Fallis, E., Rehman, U. S., & Purdon, C. L. Male and female perceptions of partner sexual satisfaction in committed relationships. Talk in the symposium, Bringing the Dyad Back Into Sex, presented at the Canadian Sex Research Forum, Toronto, ON. October, 2010.