Gelareh’s dissertation research focuses on how individuals who are difficult to console impact their romantic partner’s self-esteem, relationship satisfaction and future likelihood of providing support. Her past research examined the role of symptoms of depression and anxiety in romantic relationship functioning.
Publications and Presentations
Rehman, U.S., Beausoleil, A., & Karimiha, G. (in press). Competency lies in the eyes of the beholder? Comparing the interpersonal skills of currently, formerly and never depressed wives using self and partner reports. Cognitive Therapy and Research
Rehman, U.S., Ginting, J., & Karimiha, G. (2010). Revisiting the Relationship Between Depression and Marital Communication Using an Experimental Paradigm: the Moderating Effect of Acute Sad Mood. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48 (2). 97-105.
Karimiha, G. & Rehman, U.S. (2009). The Differential Roles of Depression and Anxiety on Intimate Relationship Satisfaction: A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Examination. Poster accepted for presentation at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, New York City, NY. Nov 19-22.