Macleans recently published an article on how the University of Waterloo's READI project is successfully preparing Indonesia for the effects of climate change through risk management and actuarial science. The Risk Management, Economic Sustainability and Actuarial Science in Indonesia (READI)project in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Waterloo is working to establish Indonesia as a regional centre of actuarial science.
Indonesia’s universities did not have a top-ranked actuarial science program, nor a cooperative program. With funding from Global Affairs Canada and Manulife Indonesia, the dedication of staff and faculty members from the University of Waterloo, and eager partners in Indonesia, nine out of 12 Indonesian universities are working with READI.
The success continues to grow. At the most recent co-op event, more than 80 companies showed up at one university. To learn more about the success of the program, see the full article in Maclean’s.