The READI (Risk Management, Economic Sustainability and Actuarial Science Development in Indonesia) project aims to increase the number and quality of Indonesian actuarial science graduates to address the country’s growing demand for actuaries. In collaboration with Government of Indonesia, insurance industry, key university partners and the Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia (PAI), the READI project aims to develop Indonesia as a center of actuarial science excellence. Project efforts will supplement the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)’s 1,000 Actuaries program by providing gender-equitable opportunities and support for innovative, high-quality actuarial science education, certification and professional development.
Some highlights to note on the latest issue of the READI Newsletter Volume 2, July-September 2017 are as followed:
1) Math Outreach: School visits were held at 11 high schools in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang and Bali to demonstrate that mathematics is fun relevant and leads to exciting careers.
2)Cooperative Education: In July 2017, READI initiated a Co-op study visit to the University of Waterloo, Canada. Nine people, including those from partner universities (Universitas Pelita Harapan and Universitas Prasetiya Mulya), insurance companies (Manulife and Sunlife), government agencies (Kemenristek Dikti and OJK) and the Indonesian Actuarial Association (PAI) participated in the study visit.
3) Scholarship Program: Information on how READI provides scholarships for actuarial science students studying with university partners.
4) Actuarial Science Applied Research Fund and how it supports the actuarial profession in Indonesia.
5) A look at the current state of gender equality in the Indonesian actuarial science profession and READI's strategy to promoting gender equality .