ORE #46944

Study Title: The effect of acute aerobic exercise on sensorimotor integration in adults with a history of sport-related concussion

A transcranial magnetic stimulation unit and an exercise ergometer

We are looking for participants aged 18-35 who have played contact (e.g. football or hockey) or collision (e.g. soccer or basketball) sports.

We are interested in individuals with a concussion history as well as those who played collision and contact sports but did not suffer a concussion.

All participants will be asked to complete one in-person session lasting ~2.5-3 hours.

The single session will involve a computer-based working memory and executive functioning task while transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a form of non-invasive brain stimulation, is used to elicit a finger twitch.

The computer-based task and concurrent TMS assessments will be performed before and after 20 minutes of light-intensity aerobic cycling.

In appreciation of your time, you will receive $10/hour.

If interested in learning more about this study, please contact Kayla Yip (k8yip@uwaterloo.ca)