ORE #46976

Study Title: Persistent changes in brain activity in adults with a history of concussion

This study is looking for two groups of individuals to participate. Specifically we are looking for participants aged 18-35 with history of sports-related concussion or participants aged 18-35 without a history of concussion.

All participants will be asked to complete one in-person session lasting approximately 2 hours.

During this time we will place an electroencephalography (EEG) cap with electrodes on your head, overtop of your hair. We will use this EEG cap to non-invasively measure your brain's electrical activity while you perform a cognitive task of increasing difficulty.

In appreciation of your time, you will receive $10/hour.

If interested in learning more about this study, please contact Zaid Raheen (zraheen@uwaterloo.ca).


You should not participate in this study if any of the following are true. If you are uncertain about your suitability to participate, please contact the study team.

  1. You are younger than 18 years old.
  2. You are older than 35 years old.
  3. You have been diagnosed with a concussion by a medical professional within the past three months, or you are currently being treated for post-concussion syndrome by a medical professional.
  4. You have a history of neurological injury or diagnosis (other than concussion). Common examples include stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease...
  5. You have a hearing impairment or the use of hearing aids (Hearing aids will prevent the use of earbuds to listen to auditory stimuli during the study).
  6. You have a medically implanted device (e.g. a pacemaker)