
One of the key mechanisms for showing what matters to students is the conversations that they have amongst each other, with their instructors, with university staff, with administrators and other campus members. How can the University of Waterloo encourage more students to engage in sustainability-related conversations?

It might be hard to visualize what the University of Waterloo campus might look like by the year 2050. The university plans to be net zero by this time, but what other changes could/should occur? The university is looking for student ideas about what makes a sustainable campus.

Too often, important decisions are made based almost entirely on very narrow economic factors: upfront costs, operational costs, payback periods, etc. and do not take into consideration other implications like health. What communication tools can the University of Waterloo use to highlight the health-based benefits of sustainable practices on campus?

Consumers are often unaware or have misconceptions about the magnitude and factors that contribute to the environmental footprint of their food choices. How do we effectively communicate this to the public?

Food production, transportation, processing, packaging and disposal are also responsible for significant environmental impacts. And when it comes to climate change, food is responsible for over a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions, with animal-based foods being responsible for much of those emissions. So what can we do here at the University of Waterloo to promote sustainable food?