Existing project ideas

From big to small, the University is tackling a wide range of sustainability topics across campus. Along the way, there are many questions that have emerged that make for ideal Sustainability Living Lab projects.

Waterloo has developed a list of project ideas that touch on everything from data collection, to conducting research, to peer review and benchmarking, to stakeholder engagement and interviews, to engineering design.

These are based on known issue areas that have been flagged as opportunities for further work.

Click below to see the full list, or you can sort by themes from the University's Sustainability Strategy as well as by the UN Sustainable Development Goal themes (and there are overlaps on many projects).

Don't See an Idea?

steam pressure gauge

If you are excited about a project idea then we probably will be too. The Sustainability team will be happy to hear your ideas and explore how it might fit into existing campus plans and connect to course objectives. Projects with great potential will then be added to our database of project ideas.