Documenting Terrestrial and Aquatic Animals


The University of Waterloo Sustainability Office, in consultation with Grounds Services and other stakeholders, is developing a Sustainable Landcare Standard. Included in the standard is a commitment to “identify populations of major land and aquatic animal species” (Action 3B). Land and aquatic animal species includes mammals, birds, insects, molluscs, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and fungi. This documentation is important for understanding campus biodiversity, managing threatened and endangered species, and controlling invasive or nuisance species.

Scope of Work Could Include

  • Creating a list of sightings of major land and aquatic animal populations on campus. These sightings may be recorded on campus EcoMaps , in ecology labs, on iNaturalist, and other sources. The list should include:
    • Species identification and whether the identification was validated
    • Species classification (e.g. mammal, bird, insect...)
    • Location
    • Date and time
  • Developing a strategy for increasing iNaturalist documentation and validation of species on campus
  • Developing a strategy for collecting further course-based species documentation. This may involve connecting with the appropriate instructors and developing standardized protocols for documentation and sharing the collected data
  • Make recommendations for how to maintain this list efficiently over time


  • Please contact the Sustainability Office for a copy of the draft Sustainable Landscape Standard
  • Campus EcoMap
  • Ontario Mammals – iNaturalist
  • Ontario Reptiles – Ontario Nature
  • Ontario Amphibians – Ontario Nature
  • Ontario Fish Identification – MNRF
  • Ontario Benthos database – Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network


  • Sustainability Office
  • Plant Operations
  • Ecology Lab

Proposed Deliverables

The details of the deliverables are flexible but must meet the requirements set out by the course instructor. Some proposed deliverables include:

  • A work plan early in the term outlining key milestones and responsibilities.
  • Updates on progress at least once during the term.
  • A final report with the list of sightings, strategies and recommendations.
  • A final meeting to review the outcomes of the report and answer questions.