View of UW from University Ave W facing South Campus Hall, looking through three prominent arches

EdTech Sandbox

Coming Soon! Waterloo's EdTech Sandbox

Coming to campus as a soft launch in Winter 2025, the EdTech Sandbox will provide space and tools to experiment with EdTech, and be accessible by staff, instructors, and students. It will include both a virtual place to experiment with online technologies and tools, and a physical space for collaboration and experimentation with different teaching and learning technologies within a flexible active-learning classroom-type environment where instructors and students can put technology-enabled teaching approaches into practice.

The physical classroom and collaboration space will enable flexible collaborative learning experimentation with infrastructure components that may include but are not limited to movable furniture and dividers, extensive networking and outlets, movable digital and non-digital whiteboards, projectors and other required audio-visual technology, video cameras, virtual reality goggles, 360 cameras, computers, and portable screens and lighting. The virtual component of the EdTech sandbox will consist of licenses or possible small consulting fees to pilot or make changes to EdTech software tools.

Project Updates

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Welcoming EdTech Supervisor to the TII

The Teaching Innovation Incubator is excited to announce that Kenneth Berry will be joining the Incubator Team, serving as the EdTech Sandbox Supervisor. Ken's primary focus in the coming months will be to lead the soft launch of the EdTech Sandbox and begin a roadshow across campus to amplify the technologies the Sandbox has in house.