Join the EdTech Forum!
A space to collaborate and share knowledge and information with other instructors and staff about educational technologies currently in use or being investigated at Waterloo.
A space to collaborate and share knowledge and information with other instructors and staff about educational technologies currently in use or being investigated at Waterloo.
The Teaching Innovation Incubator is excited to announce that Kenneth Berry will be joining the Incubator Team, serving as the EdTech Sandbox Supervisor. Ken's primary focus in the coming months will be to lead the soft launch of the EdTech Sandbox and begin a roadshow across campus to amplify the technologies the Sandbox has in house.
The Incubator Project, Evaluating LEARN Tools: Creator+ is seeking interested faculty and staff to participate in the Creator+ pilot. Please complete the Expression of Interest form for consideration in the Winter 2025 pilot.
ITMS and the TII are looking for instructors, students, and staff with experience, or who are willing to use polling tools Vevox and/or iClicker to participate in a pilot during the Fall 2024 and/or Winter 2025 terms. Note: interested students can apply to join the pilot so long as they have experience using either polling tool; there is no requisite that students must join the pilot with their instructor.
NEW! Vevox, one of the supported polling tools currently being piloted, will have an integration with LEARN enabled for the Fall 2024 term. This integration will allow Vevox to push grades to LEARN for correct answers and/or for participation.