Kyle (he/him) is the Interim Managing Director of the Teaching Innovation Incubator (TII). He is responsible for supporting the development, implementation, and evaluation of (Beta-) TII projects - projects which will allow the TII to assess its own approaches to supporting ideas that have the potential to be part of the next generation of teaching and learning at Waterloo.
He is also tasked with working with an advisory group to flesh out the systems and implementation plans needed to launch the TII, preparing for the launch of the TII, and overseeing strategic communications and events to promote the projects and work of the Beta TII as well as other teaching innovations being developed on campus, with the goal of enhancing the culture of teaching innovation at Waterloo.
Kyle's disciplinary background is in German language learning, and he obtained his PhD in German applied linguistics from the University of Waterloo, where he researched digital game-based language learning in extramural learning environments. His broader research interests include:
Innovative teaching practices
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
(Digital) game-based learning
Second language development
Computer-assisted language learning (CALL)