Contact Us

The Teaching and Learning Spaces team is interested in hearing instructors' ideas about teaching and learning spaces at the University of Waterloo,  including suggestions for rooms to renovate into flexible classrooms, ideas for new classroom equipment and furnishings, and photos of inspiring classrooms at other institutions.

Please submit input via your Faculty's classroom scheduling representative.

For support with classroom technologies, visit the Educational Technologies Hub.

Amy Bender

Director, Space Planning Office
519-888-4567 x40001
Location: NH 2050

Jennifer Coghlin

Associate Registrar, Enrolment Services & Academic Policy
519-888-4567 ext. 40339
Location: Needles Hall - room 2015

Marcel David

Manager, Presentation Services, Instructional Technologies and Media Services, Information Systems and Technology
519-888-4567 x46198
Location: EC2 1012B

Donna Ellis

Director, Centre for Teaching Excellence
519-888-4567 x45713
Location: EC3 2017

Pam Fluttert

Director, Instructional Technologies and Media Services, Information Systems and Technology
519-888-4567 x45919
Location: EC2 2026

Rob Hunsperger

Director, Design and Construction Services, Plant Operations
519-888-4567 x46903
Location: GSC 225

Mary Power

Senior Educational Developer, Centre for Teaching Excellence
519-888-4567 ext. 35931
Location: East Campus 3 - room 2023