An Organizer's Workshop with Dr. Stuart Schussler

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

An Organizer's Workshop with Dr. Stuart Schussler

Date: February 5, 2025

Time: 1-2:30pm

Location: University of Waterloo Davis Centre Library

Join the Theorypractice Lab for a hands-on workshop with Dr. Stuart Schussler for students interested in community organizing towards liberation for all. Together participants will learn about Zapatista praxis (theory and practice in action), participate in small group activities to consider community organizing practices, and join in conversation with Dr. Schussler about his twenty years of experience organizing for Indigenous autonomy, migrant and refugee justice, and human rights. Please join us from 1-2:30pm in room DC-1568. In person: Masks appreciated. Registration required.

Dr Stuart Schussler is an Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellow in UW’s Knowledge Integration Department, researching how professors are able to connect their students with the dynamic, sometimes-chaotic grassroots organizations that are at the forefront of social change. His dissertation "Making social movement: The reproductive labour of organizing from Chiapas to Chicago and beyond" analyzes the work of student-activists who have learned from the Zapatistas. He also recently translated Jerome Baschet’s book “The Zapatista Experience: Rebellion, resistance and autonomy” (AK Press). Prior to getting his PhD, Stuart coordinated study abroad programs with the Autonomous University of Social Movements, bringing students to Cuba to learn about their socialist project and to Chiapas, Mexico to learn about the Zapatista struggle for indigenous autonomy. He has organized in the migrant justice collective No One Is Illegal, as a rank and file union member, against the foreclosure crisis, as a human rights observer in communities resisting mining in Ecuador, and with undocumented Colombian refugees organizing for justice.