Our offerings

The Theorypractice Lab's Core Pillars - interrelational actions, theorypractice spaces, art interventions, political education, and emergent encounters.

The Theorypractice Lab prioritizes those theorypractices grounded in the daily resistance efforts, interpersonal/collective relationalities, visionary futurities, radical solidarities, and acts of unsettling activated by diverse communities leading our liberation movements across the globe.

Our on-going offerings emphasize radical imagination, emergent strategies (Brown, 2017), and collective survival traditions including community organizing, direct action, mutual aid, material redistribution, and solidarity economies. Such radical leisure offerings include:

  • skill-sharing practice spaces
  • mini political education curriculums
  • study groups
  • artistic interventions
  • collaborative resource development
  • public community events

These ongoing offerings provide co-learners with the awareness and skill to critically analyze our social conditions, build collective power, create care-full relations through shared politic, and organize towards (re)creating more just communities.