Giving back to our community

If not us, then who?

In 2017, for the first time in the history of the University of Waterloo’s United Way campaign, we fell short of our campaign goal.

While we let this statement sink in, we want to take a minute to acknowledge that while we didn’t reach our goal, our campus community still made an incredible effort during the 2017 campaign. Whether by making a donation, attending an event or by volunteering, we sincerely appreciate and applaud the efforts of everyone involved. You’re helping to make a difference.

But in order for the university’s campaign to make a difference every year, we can’t be happy with the status quo.

The campus planning committee is already thinking ahead to the 2018 campaign and what we can do differently, but we need your help to realize our future goals. The University of Waterloo is among the largest employers in the region, which means we also have one of the largest opportunities.

It’s more important than ever that we ensure our campaign is a campus-wide effort. If you’re already involved in our campaign, we look forward to connecting with you for 2018’s campaign. If you’re looking for a way to make a difference, consider becoming a volunteer or making an ongoing donation through payroll.

Let’s show our community that we’re ready for the challenge.

Kim Gingerich and James Skidmore
University of Waterloo United Way campaign co-chairs

P.S. Don’t forget that in 2016 United Way KW & Area joined forces with United Way Cambridge and North Dumfries to form United Way Waterloo Region Communities. If you live in Cambridge or North Dumfries, you may have hesitated in the past to give to the university's campaign because you wanted to see the dollars go to your community. With this amalgamation, you can easily support the university’s campaign and your community.

Photo: rawpixel / 1028 images