Ng, A. ., Willett, T. ., Alman, B. ., & Grynpas, M. . (2012). Adynamic bone disease (ABD) weakens bone more than aging alone in a mouse model. Bone, S122.
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Willett, T. ., Wynnyckyj, C. ., Wang, J. ., & Grynpas, M. . (2011). The fatigue resistance of rabbit tibiae varies with age from youth to middle age. Osteoporosis International, 22, 1157-1165.
Wynnyckyj, C. ., Willett, T. L., Omelon, S. ., Wang, J. ., Wang, Z. ., & Grynpas, M. D. (2011). Changes in bone fatigue resistance due to collagen degradation. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 29, 197-203.
Wynnyckyj, C. ., Omelon, S. ., Willett, T. ., Kyle, K. ., Goldberg, H. ., & Grynpas, M. . (2011). Mechanism of bone collagen degradation due to KOH treatment. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects, 1810, 192-201.
Bushinsky, D. A., Willett, T. ., Asplin, J. R., Culbertson, C. ., Che, S. P., & Grynpas, M. . (2011). Chlorthalidone improves vertebral bone quality in genetic hypercalciuric stone-forming rats. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 26, 1904-1912.
Yan, D. ., Willett, T. L., Gu, X.-M. ., Martinez-Mier, A. ., Sardone, L. ., McShane, L. ., Grynpas, M. ., & Everett, E. T. (2011). Phenotypic variation of fluoride responses between inbred strains of mice. Cells Tissues Organs, 194, 261-267.
Magalhaes, J. ., Grynpas, M. ., Willett, T. ., & Glogauer, M. . (2011). Deleting Rac1 improves vertebral bone quality and resistance to fracture in a murine ovariectomy model. Osteoporosis International, 22, 1481-1492.
Chachra, D. ., Limeback, H. ., Willett, T. ., & Grynpas, M. . (2011). Response to Letter to the Editor,"The Long-term Effects of Water Fluoridation on the Human Skeleton". Journal of Dental Research, 90, 684-684.
Kyle, K. A., Willett, T. L., Baggio, L. L., Drucker, D. J., & Grynpas, M. D. (2011). Differential effects of PPAR-γ activation versus chemical or genetic reduction of DPP-4 activity on bone quality in mice. Endocrinology, 152, 457-467.
Willett, T. ., Decroos, A. ., Avery, N. ., Kandel, R. ., & Grynpas, M. . (2011). 117 a New Model to Study the Effects of Advanced Glycation Endproducts on the Progression of Spontaneous Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 19, S61.