Autumn Peltier

Chief Water Commissioner for the Anishinabek Nation
Autumn Peltier

Autumn Peltier is an Indigenous Rights & Water activist whose journey for justice has made waves around the globe. She is 19 years old.

Peltier captivated the world's attention at the age of 12 when she admonished Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, at an Assembly of First Nations event, for the choices he had made for her people.

At 13, Peltier first spoke at the United Nations General Assembly. Amongst many accolade’s she's received the Sovereign Medal of Exceptional Volunteerism from the Governor-General of Canada and Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. Invited back in 2018 & 2019, she spoke at the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit in New York and continues to travel the international stage speaking about Indigenous rights, inclusion, representation and collaboration all while inspiring the next generation.

She's been a featured speaker at The World Economic Forum sharing the stage with Greta Thundberg, is a regular guest speaker at The United Nations, has been shortlisted for the International Children's Peace Prize 3 times and in 2022 was runnerup for International Children’s Peace Prize with the Nobel Peace Prize committee. Further; in 2022 The Canadian Museum of History in Ottawa Canada built an Autumn Peltier showcase display highlighting her ribbon skirts worn at the United Nations as well as her work and contributions as part of Canada’s history.

She has been featured on the front cover of Maclean’s and included in Maclean's Top 50 Canadian Power List. In 2022; Peltier was an Honorary Doctorate Inductee from Royal Roads University, received the Daniel G Hill Award from Ontario Human Rights Commission as well as the Emerging Canadian Leader Award from Public Policy Forum.

Autumn’s movie “The Water Walker” documentary was released on HBO Canada and has been available across many of Canada’s school boards.

In 2023; Autumn was the first Indigenous person to be featured on a Hershey chocolate bar campaign across Canada celebrating prominent and impactful women leaders across Canada.

Also in 2023; Autumn began her first novel partnership to be released in 28 countries with Penguin Random House…and closing out the year of ’23 Autumn was inducted into Canada’s Walk of Fame with the Community Hero Award.