2020 Systems Design Engineering Capstone Design Projects


alarmAfarm is a mobile based farm management application to be used by fruit and vegetable farmers in Ontario. It aims to present relevant and accurate crop health information collected from satellite imagery to aid farmers in making critical decisions to manage their fields.

Team members: Alena Delena, Ken Ives, Sebastian Kolosa, Joshua Kwok, Qile Wang


Essentia is looking to address the existing communication gaps between campus mental health counsellors and students, specifically the management of safety plans, one of the most implemented suicide intervention strategies. The current means of safety plan management introduce issues regarding physical integrity, versioning, customization and shareability. Essentia is creating a collaborative platform for both students and counsellors to manage one’s digital safety plan.  

Team members: Hanna Kyowski, Jonathan Loos, Tamilla Bunyadova, Jesse Young


Associative play is crucial for a child’s development of social skills, especially between the ages of 3-5. Children with physical disabilities face barriers that make it more difficult for them to engage in associative play. PeekaBoard helps encourage children ages 3-5 with physical disabilities to interact during free play and build social skills.

Team members: Marisa Duncan, Hayes Lee, Shan Pruthi, Jeffrey Wang


Verbal communication is an important part of self expression. However, certain populations struggle with it and utilize Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to support their communication. Learning AAC is challenging and primary caregivers of non-verbal children with Autism Spectrum Disorder feel unsupported when facilitating their children’s learning. moment aims to alleviate the problem by supporting caregivers through goal setting, reflection, and tailored resources. 

Team members: Soomin Park, Mudmie Chuthamsatid, Samantha Mar, Jenny Jin, Quin Millard


OURide is a ridesharing solution for Ontario university students. It is designed to provide a safe, trustworthy transportation option to take advantage of large group of students with cars. The project focused on creating a mobile app with an efficient, easy ridesharing booking process that is exclusive to UW students to ensure a safe and comfortable experience.

Team members: Revanth Sakthi, Jasdip Chauhan, Harsh Chokshi, Hunter McHugh, Shreya Sathyanarayan


What’s the best way to improve your hockey shot? Despite hockey being Canada’s game, it turns out there are a lot of different opinions on the best way forward. Volume practice is definitely important, but the ability to make good decisions under stress also plays an important role. Our project investigates methods of improving practice quality and program compliance, and attempts to build a training aid that will help youth hockey players rapidly improve their shooting abilities.

Team members: Ron Kielstra, Michael Shiozaki, Gloria Zhang, Greg Zapp


Through the process of performance capture, the movements of actors are translated into digital data points, commonly used in video game and movie animation. The current standard form of communication between directors/scene creators and actors during filming lacks dimensional accuracy and contextual information. The team aims to address this gap in communication by providing a tool for displaying scene information and a director’s instructions to the actor during their performance.

Team members: Iris Chang, Liam Dunn Kelly, Alexander Glover, Cindy Liu 


BlueBook is a digital patient management system which aims to reduce the time taken by sleep clinic staff to track and monitor patient status as they progress through the diagnosis process. Typically, patient tracking at sleep clinics is completed manually, by editing spreadsheets, and renaming and moving files. BlueBook’s simplified tracking process is designed to reduce human errors and increase clinic efficiency.

Team members: Monika Ibana, Andy Park, Amelia King, Alex Naylor


Haven is a platform that builds communities for caregivers of people with dementia. As of 2018, 45% of family dementia caregivers experience burnout [1]. Haven aims to reduce caregiver burnout by automatically connecting those who share their experiences in a safe and accessible environment. Users can set preferences for the people they wish to connect with, such as families and professional caregivers. Additionally, they can specify the reasons they are searching for these communities such as making new friends or seeking mentorship.

Team members: Gaurab Aryal, James Kim, Brian Chen, Jeremy Kim, Nick Sia


Ambrosia aims to combat disordered eating which has been shown to be a significant risk factor for the development of eating disorders. Ambrosia leverages the scientifically validated approach of Intuitive Eating and presents a dynamic, personalized, and constantly accessible mobile application that adopts a proactive approach to the mitigation of disordered eating behaviours. Ambrosia utilizes machine learning and design for long-term behaviour change in order to personalize the Intuitive Eating journey for each individual user.

Team members: Dominic Dotzert, Ashley Hu, Arrchana Pradeepan, Earvin Tio


People who have a spinal cord injury (SCI) above the L2 vertebrae have impaired thermoregulation systems and often overheat during activity which leads to heat exhaustion. Thermolytics provides a real-time core temperature estimation monitoring system for athletes with SCI to make more informed decisions aimed to improve training and athletic performance.

Team members: Samuel Yuyitung, Heather Chan, Tara Yuen, Justin Schaper


A mobile application for people undergoing physiotherapy after a hip/knee replacement to track their progress throughout the rehabilitation process.

Team members: Andrew Lee, Damon Chau, Rishabh Nag, Daniel Lee


Global climate change is leading to longer, drier summers allowing for optimal wildfire conditions. Wild-land firefighters around the world risk their lives on a daily basis to combat these natural disasters, typically with little to no respiratory protection. Canairy is a carbon monoxide, VOC and particulate-matter dosimeter. Designed to function in the harsh environment, Canairy provides firefighters with acute and time-weighted smoke exposure data throughout their shift. Given this information, crews can better manage their respiratory health while combating wildfires.

Team members: Thomas Doucette, Roberto S. Enkerlin, Christopher A. Carnduff, Kaitlyn Diederichs


Increasingly, Ontario Secondary School principals are spending more of their time on manual administrative tasks. Time spent on these tasks takes away from a principal's ability to focus on the aspects of their job that are proven to improve the quality of education in schools. PrinciPal is a web-based software application that aims to make time-consuming staff scheduling efficient and equitable, giving principals back time in their day to improve the quality of student education.

Team members: Bill Chen, Dylan Conway, Stephanie Carras, Keith Daigle


As electric vehicles (EVs) increase in popularity, their simultaneous charging risks causing new peaks in electricity demand that may overload electrical grids. We are seeking to design a smart charging scheme that will schedule the charging for a neighbourhood of EV owners in order to smooth electricity demand. This system will consider the needs of the EV owners as well as those of utilities to create an optimal charging schedule that will ensure vehicles are adequately charged without exceeding demand limits of the electricity network.

Team members: Jason Small, Nadia Stefopulos, Andrew Clarry


HUD Life is a hardware device which collects information from a car's instrument cluster and displays it in the driver's field of view. By reducing the need to look away from the road while driving, HUD Life aims to reduce the number of accidents related to distracted driving.

Team members: Kevin Ma, Michael Taibi, Manfred Cheung


In the modern workplace, frequent interruptions obstruct blocks of independent time that millennial software engineers need to do knowledge work; this causes engineers to experience overwork and burnout. This project aims to design a system to book focus time in an engineer’s calendar, measure the worker’s collaborative vs. focus time, quiet after-hour days, code output and provide evidence-based suggestions to improve well-being. Evidence, suggestions and insights are derived from from developers’ GitHub, Google Calendar and Slack activity data.

Team members: Laurier Mantel, Callum Mitchell, Kush Thaker


FindMe aims to minimize the amount of time small pets are considered lost. By using a pair of devices to actively monitor the pet’s position, the solution alerts the owner when the pet has left a predetermined geofence through a mobile app. With FindMe, owners can track their pets during the search process in both indoor and outdoor environments. Compared to existing competitors, FindMe provides owners with enhanced functionality, including improved tracking distance, battery life, weight, and cost.

Team members: Daniel De Sousa, Umesh Khanna, Rohan Saigaonkar, Jason Lian


Climate change is a massive issue and to combat this many municipalities are creating urban forestry plans as it decreases flooding, local temperatures and improves quality of life to residents. However, municipalities often have little information about the state of the urban canopy, especially on private property. Team Canopii is creating a solution which allows homeowners and city employees to take pictures of trees, automatically extract all relevant information, and make this information available to municipalities and environmental groups. 

Team members: Derin Denizkuşu, Ethan Liang, Kevin Luong, Jessie Won


Pluto Care is a treatment support platform for therapists in pediatric rehabilitation. Digital games have proven to be useful in outpatient rehabilitation for the purposes of motivation, but therapists are not incentivized to use games in their practice. Pluto Care encourages therapists use of these therapy-focused digital games by providing a centralized game library and interface to assign and track patient adherence to a game-based treatment regimen. Pluto Care eliminates the need for self-reporting of outpatient performance, leading to a continuous treatment feedback loop

Team members: Joanne Christine T. Magbitang, Vincent Jack Douglas Shadbolt, Haneya Yunus Tahiri


Neurodegenerative diseases are becoming increasingly prevalent in the aging population. There is a need for improved quality of diagnoses, treatment and monitoring plans for those affected. Our team is creating a proof-of-concept monitoring system that can be used outside clinical environments to support clinicians diagnoses and treatment plans and to provide patients with data to day feedback.

Team members: Sunny Willert, Krystyna Brudnicki, Zak Keller, Johnny Normandeau


Spastic diplegia is a common form of cerebral palsy accounting for approximately 70% of cases. Severity can vary and the straight-line gait of the person is affected. A semi-active exoskeleton is being prototyped to assist with straight-line gait of persons with spastic diplegia.

Team members: Christian Mele, Bryce Kieffer, Katherine Arnold, Talha Ahmad