Contact Information
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Phone: 519-888-4537 ext. 33326
Office: E3-3110
Biographical Information
Ali is a highly accomplished Postdoctoral Fellow currently working at the University of Waterloo. He has an academic background and research experience in both Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering, with notable successes in both areas. With a Ph.D. from the same institution, Ali has a strong academic background and specialized knowledge in numerical modeling, advanced characterization, failure analysis, process simulation, and advanced materials processing techniques such as advanced thermomechanical processing, resistance spot welding, and brazing. Ali's contributions to the field of zinc-coated advanced high strength steels are significant, having investigated the fundamentals of this area of research and published several research papers in top-ranked peer-reviewed international journals. His most recent paper was published in the prestigious Materials Science journal, Acta Materialia. Ali is a recipient of the highly respected American Welding Society (AWS) Fellowship for two consecutive years, which is designed to recognize outstanding graduate students from all North American universities. He has also won several other notable awards, including the Paul Niessen-Teck Award and the Nanofellowship, etc.
Research Interests
- Welding and Joining
- Thermomechanical processing
- Numerical modeling
- Advanced characterization
- Heat treatment
- Microstructure-property relationship
- Additive manufacturing
- Arc/laser brazing
Thesis Supervisor(s)
- Professor Norman Zhou
[1] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, S. Khan, M. Lee and N.Y. Zhou, High-temperature phase evolution of the ZnAlMg coating and its effect on mitigating liquid-metal-embrittlement cracking, Acta Materialia, 2022.
[2] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, S. Khan, F. Goodwin, and N.Y. Zhou, Investigating zinc-assisted liquid metal embrittlement in ferritic and austenitic steels: Correlation between crack susceptibility and failure mechanism, Materials Characterization, 2023.
[3] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, E. Ghassemali, C. DiGiovanni, F. Goodwin and N. Zhou, Liquid metal embrittlement cracking behavior in iron-zinc (Fe/Zn) couple: Comparison of ferritic and austenitic microstructures, Materials Letters, 2022.
[4] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, S. Zhang, M. Shojaee, A.R.H. Midawi, F. Goodwin and N.Y. Zhou, Failure behavior of resistance spot welded advanced high strength steel: The role of surface condition and initial microstructure, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2022.
[5] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, E. Ghassemali, C. DiGiovanni, M. H. Razmpoosh, F. Goodwin and N. Y. Zhou, Occurrence of liquid-metal-embrittlement in a fully ferritic microstructure, Materialia, 2021.
[6] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, C. DiGiovanni, M. H. Razmpoosh, F. Goodwin and N. Y. Zhou, The effect of silicon content on liquid-metal-embrittlement susceptibility in resistance spot welding of galvanized dual-phase steel, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020.
[7] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, C. DiGiovanni, M. H. Razmpoosh, F. Goodwin and N. Y. Zhou, The role of internal oxides on the liquid metal embrittlement cracking during resistance spot welding of the dual phase steel, Metallurgical, and Materials Transactions A, 2020.
[8] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, X. Han, F.Goodwin, and N.Y. Zhou, The influence of modified annealing during the galvanizing process on the resistance spot welding of the CMn1.8Si advanced high strength steel, Surface and Coating Technology, 2020.
[9] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, A., Kermanpur, E., Ghassemali, A., Najafizadeh, A., and Mazaheri, Y, The effect of Nb on texture evolutions of the ultrafine-grained dual-phase steels fabricated by cold rolling and intercritical annealing. Journal of Alloy and Compound, 694, 2017.
[10] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, A., Kermanpur, A., Ghassemali, E., Najafizadeh, A. and Mazaheri, Y. Correlation of microstructure and strain hardening behavior in the ultrafine-grained Nb-bearing dual phase steels, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016.
[11] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, Kermanpur, A., Najafizadeh, A. and Mazaheri, Y. Development of a high strength and ductile Nb-bearing dual phase steel by cold-rolling and intercritical annealing of the ferrite- martensite microstructures, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016.
[12] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, A., Kermanpur, A., Najafizadeh, A. and Mazaheri, Y., Effect of Nb on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of an Ultrafine-Grained Dual Phase Steel, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 24, 2015.
[13] A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, Kermanpur, A., Najafizadeh, A. and Mazaheri, Y., The Effect of Intercritical Annealing Time on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of an Ultrafine Grained Dual Phase Steel Containing Niobium, International Journal of ISSI, 10, 2013.
[14] M. S. Khan, A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, X. Wang, E. Biro, Y. N. Zhou, Morphology and crystallography of Ni-alloyed lath martensitic steel, Journal of Materials Science, 2022.
[15] Shamsolhodaei, A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, A. Safdel, A.R.H. Midawi, M.A. Elbestawi, P. Peng, Y. N. Zhou, Resistance spot welding of NiTi shape memory alloy sheets: Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2022.
[16] S. Zhang, A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, A.R.H. Midawi, N.Y. Zhou, A comparison between hardness-scaling and ball indentation techniques on predicting stress/strain distribution and failure behavior of resistance spot welded advanced high strength steel, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., 2022.
[17] M. S. Khan, C. DiGiovanni, A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, S. Sarmast-Ghahfarokhi, G. Song, F. Goodwin, Y.N. Zhou, Effect of Zn-coating type on intergranular Cu-penetration in steels during weld-brazing, Materials Letters, 2023.
[18] C DiGiovanni, A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, E Biro, NY Zhou, Liquid metal embrittlement transport mechanism in the Fe/Zn system: Stress-assisted diffusion, Materialia, 18, 2021
[19] C. DiGiovanni, A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, F.Goodwin, E.Biro and N.Y.Zhou, Occurrence of sub-critical heat affected zone liquid metal embrittlement in joining of advanced high strength steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021.
[20] M. S. Khan, P. Enrique, A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, JG Lopes, Norbert Schell, Joao P Oliveira, E Biro, Y Norman Zhou, The influence of in-situ alloying of electro-spark deposited coatings on the multiscale morphological and mechanical properties of laser welded Al–Si coated 22MnB5, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2022.
[21] MH Razmpoosh, M Shehryar Khan, A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, A Macwan, E Biro, Y Zhou, Effects of laser beam defocusing on high-strain-rate tensile behavior of press-hardened Zn-coated 22MnB5 steel welds, Optics & Laser Technology, 2021.
[22] Y. Mazaheri, A. Jahanara, M. Sheikhi, A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, High strength-elongation balance in ultrafine grained ferrite-martensite dual phase steels developed by thermomechanical processing, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019.
[23] S. Sarmast Ghahfarokhi, R. Sarraf Mamoory, A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, Inverse precipitation synthesis of ZrO2 nanopowder and in-situ coating on MWCNTs, Ceramics International, 44, 2018.
[24] S.A. Etesami, M.H.Enayati, A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, Austenite formation and mechanical properties of a cold rolled ferrite-martensite structure during intercritical annealing, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017.
[25] Mazaheri, Y., Kermanpur, A., Najafizadeh, A., and A. GHATEI-KALASHAMI, Kinetics of Ferrite Recrystallization and Austenite Formation During Intercritical Annealing of the Cold- Rolled Ferrite/Martensite Duplex Structures, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47, 2016.