Stork Award Recipients 2023

Stork Awards in German Studies are given out annually to encourage student participation in a recognized institutional Canadian-organized German language or cultural studies program abroad. These awards are made possible by a generous donation by the Stork Family. Each award recipient writes a 'thank you' letter to the Stork family in recognition of the family's contribution to the students' trips. Here are a few testimonials from some of our 2023 recipients.

Charles Brousseau

During my two-month stay in Germany, I had the privilege of learning about German culture, language, and its wonderful people. It was an enriching experience that allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the country's traditions and way of life.

Throughout my journey, I made cherished friendships with both locals and fellow travelers, creating bonds that will last a lifetime. The trip was a whirlwind of emotions, a kaleidoscope of discovers, and a treasure trove of beautiful moments that I will carry with me forever.

Charles Brousseau participated in the Berlin Summer School 2023 UQAM/UQTR program and is a student at the Université du Québec à Montréal.

The trip was a whirlwind of emotions, a kaleidoscope of discovers, and a treasure trove of beautiful moments that I will carry with me forever.

Charles Brousseau

I was able to go see Tannhäuser by Richard Wagner at the State Opera House. I feel it enriched my education so much to be able to see the things I'm learning about.

Olivia MacDonald

Olivia MacDonald

Much of the course was based on our personal exploration of the city in exploring historical sites, without the help from the Stork award I would have been much more limited in the places I visited and the cultural experiences I was able to have.

I was able to go see Tannhäuser by Richard Wagner at the State Opera House. I feel it enriched my education so much to be able to see the things I'm learning about.

Person standing outside with a castle and mountains in the background.

Olivia MacDonald participated in the Memory, Place, Politics: Berlin's 20th Century program and is a student at the University of King's College.

Graham Archibald

Your generous award helped me to embark on a transformative journey of language learning and cultural immersion, which has had a profound impact on both my personal growth and linguistic development.

I have innumerable fond memories of this experience both large and small. From our trips as a group to Nuremberg and Berlin to the small but precious moments enjoying Sunday breakfast with my host mother and brothers, surrounded by the city bells.

Buildings in Germany

The program pushed me out of my comfort zone in the best way possible, giving me the chance to interact with native speakers and practice my language skills in authentic and novel setting outside the classroom.

Graham Archibald participated in the Canadian Summer School in German (CSSG) program and is a student at the University of British Columbia.

The program pushed me out of my comfort zone in the best way possible, giving me the chance to interact with native speakers and practice my language skills in authentic and novel setting outside the classroom.

Graham Archibald

I came to see that Berlin's history is deeply ingrained in its architecture and urban landscape. 

Janna Abbas

Janna Abbas

On this trip, I had the chance to fully immerse myself in a new city: to learn about its people and their customs, to practice speaking German every day, and to learn how to navigate a new landscape. I came to see that Berlin's history is deeply ingrained in its architecture and urban landscape. 

Person in a red shirt and white blouse standing in front of Brandenburg Gate, Germany.

Despite learning and studying German since I was four years old, I had never visited Berlin, so this trip is one that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Janna Abbas participated in the University of Toronto's Summer Abroad Program and is also a student at the University of Toronto. 

Braden Russell

My time at Universität Bauhaus-Weimar was full or surprises and new experiences. As a class, we explored many aspects of Weimar including visiting places of cultural and historical importance, such as the Anna Amalia Bibliothek.

Being in Germany this past August and surrounded by the language and culture, I immersed myself in new experiences which I will take with me for the rest of my life. This opportunity also increased my confidence in my German language ability, helped me make incredible connections with my peers, and further my understanding of contemporary German culture.

Braden Russell participated in the Bauhaus Universität-Weimar program and is a PhD student at the University of British Columbia.

Being in Germany this past August and surrounded by the language and culture, I immersed myself in new experiences which I will take with me for the rest of my life.

Braden Russell