CHEM 494A and B

Research Project

  • Instructor: Any professor in the Department of Chemistry. (This course is coordinated by Dr. J. Corrigan.)

These two courses represent laboratory work on a senior year research project. It is a requirement that they be taken in two consecutive terms. Exceptions must be approved by the research supervisor and course coordinator. The student is expected to spend a minimum of six hours per week on their research. Research projects normally require additional hours per week as research is an unpredictable endeavour. Students choose their research topics, laboratories, and supervisors according to their preferences. The research project is proposed by the supervisor. These courses provide students with a unique opportunity of completing a research project on their own, under the supervision of experts in their field, and in state-of-the art research facilities.

Please remember that the Undergraduate Calendar (CHEM 494A / CHEM 494B) is always the official source for all course descriptions.