Waterloo's International Recruitment Travels for This Year

Thursday, October 5, 2023

We are pleased to share some significant updates from our International Recruitment team! As part of our enduring commitment to foster global connections and attract the brightest minds, our representatives have scheduled visits to various regions across the world this October.

October Travels

  • East Africa: Akua will be visiting Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda in mid-October.
  • India & Middle East: Karuna's itinerary includes India, Doha, Dubai, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Muscat.
  • Middle East: Michael will travel through UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan, and Qatar.
  • Southeast Asia: Brian will be visiting Vietnam, Indonesia (twice), and Cambodia.
  • Taiwan: Jasmine will be focusing on Taipei and Kaohsiung.

Mathematics Team Travels

  • Amy will cover Hong Kong & China.
  • Graham will be visiting the Middle East, including Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.
  • Meghan will be visiting Barbados.
  • Chérisse will be visiting Jamaica.

Engineering Team Travels

  • Bill will be in Seattle and California.
  • Mirjana will cover New Jersey.
  • Jessica will visit New York City and Houston.

Renison Travels

  • Grant's stops will be in Columbia & Peru.

Our ongoing travels have been met with enthusiasm, as we encounter students eager to know more about what the university has to offer. In addition to our recruitment initiatives, we acknowledge the evolving geopolitical situation in India. While it remains a point of keen attention for us, as of now, it has not posed any logistical challenges to our travel plans.

We deeply value the relationships we are building and the discussions surrounding tuition, scholarships, and the overall Waterloo experience. Our aim is to ensure that prospective students recognize University of Waterloo not just for its flagship programs but as a comprehensive hub of academic excellence.

If you have any questions, feel free to connect with the undergraduate recruitment team