Connect with our international recruitment team

Are you an international high school or transfer student? We're here to help!

Our recruiters can answer questions about programs, applying, how co-op works, paying for your education, and more. You're welcome to reach out to any of them for support.

You can also read updates on the Government of Canada's new study permit requirements.

Interested in a master's or PhD program?

Please contact our Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs office. The recruiters below can't answer your inquiries.



Contact a recruiter

If your country isn't listed, choose a recruiter that suits your time zone.

Headshot of Charisse

Africa and the Caribbean

Chérisse Mike

Book a virtual meeting with Chérisse

Email Chérisse

Headshot of Valerie Herteis

Caribbean and United States

Valerie Herteis

Book a virtual meeting with Valerie

Email Valerie


Headshot of Amy

China (mainland)

Amy Lin

Book a virtual meeting with Amy

Email Amy

Headshot of Vicky Liu

China (mainland)

Vicky Liu

Book a virtual meeting with Vicky

Email Vicky

Headshot of Brian Bailey

Europe and Southeast Asia

Brian Bailey

Book a virtual meeting with Brian

Email Brian

Students in Vietnam can contact Graham Barnes.


Headshot of Tony Munro

Hong Kong SAR, Taiwan ROC

Tony Munro

Book a virtual meeting with Tony

Email Tony

Headshot of Karuna Ausman

India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Middle East & Central Asia

Karuna Ausman

Email Karuna

Headshot of Pavak

India (students interested in math programs)

Pavak Vyas

Book a virtual meeting with Pavak

Email Pavak


Headshot of Ceci Siguenza

Latin America and Mexico

Ceci Tacuri Siguenza

Book a virtual meeting with Ceci

Email Ceci

Headshot of Graham Barnes

Middle East, Southeast Asia, South Korea, and Japan

Graham Barnes

Book a virtual meeting with Graham

Email Graham


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