Student life
Success comes easier when you have a community of people cheering you on. Through clubs, teams, events, and even your classes, you’ll form a social network that connects you to fun, new experiences, and support throughout your time at Waterloo.
Student services
Our wide range of student services, including support for student entrepreneurship, will help you get the most of your time at Waterloo.
A city for students
With two universities and a college, the city of Waterloo offers cultural events and local experiences to cosy coffee shops and more!
Equity, diversity, and inclusion
Meet students with similar experiences and learn how we're committed to creating a safe space for everyone.
What to expect in first year
Students from each of our six faculties share what surprised and inspired them during first year, the biggest differences between high school and university, and what helped them adjust to life at Waterloo.
Explore the full playlist to learn more.