For grade 9, 10, and 11 students

Three students sitting outside at table

Choosing a university for your education can seem like a big task. With so many choices, where do you start? Here are some resources that will help regardless of which university you plan to attend.

Student wearing coat with fall colours

Finding a program you’ll love

Get tips on identifying your interests, exploring possible careers, and studying multiple interests.

How to find a program you'll love →

Three students walking along path at the University of Waterloo

Guide to applying to university

How and when do you apply? How do you submit grades? How do universities choose which students to admit?

How to apply to university in Ontario →


Students walking through a bright atrium

Understanding requirements

Universities have specific academic requirements that need to be met as part of the application process.

Learn about university admission requirements →

Group of Waterloo students walking on campus.

University terminology

Major, minor, option, undergraduate, admission average, bursary... what do they all mean? 

Terminology you may encounter →


A group of Waterloo students studying on campus.

How universities work

Universities can be complex and confusing. In this overview, learn about types of university degrees, choosing what to study, services available to students, and more.

How universities work →

Student sitting at a picnic bench reading a Waterloo brochure, with the six Waterloo faculty brochures on the table as well.

Waterloo's faculties

A faculty is a group of departments or professional schools that offer programs with similar themes. They are a home for programs, professors, academic advisors, classrooms, and study spaces.

Waterloo's six faculties →




Sign up for tips on finding the university and program that's right for you, applying, and more!


Additional tips

What would you like to study?

  • Think about your interests and hobbies. This could determine what you’ll study and the type of job you’ll have.
  • Discover Waterloo's programs.

Research like crazy

Consider co-op (paid internships)

  • A co-op program is a great way to help pay for university, explore potential careers, and gain valuable work experience as part of your degree.

Ask questions!

  • Email universities or talk with current university students during online or in-person events.
  • Ask your guidance counsellor, parents, relatives, or teachers what they studied. They make great sounding boards and can offer advice on what might be good for you.


Just email our student recruitment team about what you'd like to study. They'd be happy to suggest programs and answer your questions.