Terms of reference
- Meets regularly to promote the timely exchange of information on IT developments, both active and planned, and thus avoid duplication of effort and capitalize on common interests and expertise.
- Provides advice to the Chief Information Officer and University Committee on Information Systems & Technology (UCIST) on strategies and initiatives to improve campus-wide IT services, and provides regular reports to UCIST.
- Cooperates/collaborates on the planning, design and implementation of projects which draw upon IT expertise from across campus and have campus-wide applicability.
- Is a primary initiator of pilot projects to evaluate new technologies for campus-wide use. (Projects may be initiated by either CTSC or UCIST.)
- Supports standardization of IT systems and processes where possible and appropriate.
- Facilitates other IT developments where needed.
- Members act as IT liaisons to their respective units, bringing information to, and disseminating information from, CTSC.
Committee members
- Chair appointed by the Chief Information Officer
- One IT Director or appointed delegate from each of the six faculties
- All Information Systems & Technology (IST) directors
- IT Director, Library
- Others as appropriate as appointed by the CIO in consultation with UCIST, with terms and rationale of the appointment maintained by UCIST