Sample Submission

  • The sample request form (PDF) can be obtained here.

    Before you submit your sample, please consider this question:

    What do you think are the most important parts of a MS experiment/analysis/project?


    Sample Preparation and the right combination of sample introduction, ionization method, mass spectrometer and mode of operation.

    No matter how much expertise, time and technology we focus on a problem, if you have a poor sample then the result will, more often than not, also be poor.

    Please Note: the form above is now a fillable pdf and can be saved locally for your convenience or used as a template for future sample submissions. In the “Sample Description and Structure” section, the box on the left had side is for structures and the right hand box is for text.

  • Please contact us if you have any questions regarding fees or the types of collaborative research/service we can provide.

General Guidelines for Sample Submission:

  • The Mass Spectrometry Facility cannot accept radioactive or hazardous materials.
  • The recent changes to how liquid and solid waste are disposed of has necessitated that we change how we handle liquid and solid waste for the Facility. After consultation with Greg Friday (ex 35755 or email, we will require users who run samples in the Facility to remove all solid waste (gloves, tissues, pipette tips, Eppendorf tubes, Pasteur pipettes etc) and liquid waste (original samples and their diluted counterparts as well as other solvents etc) generated while in the Facility to their own labs.