Waterloo Undergrad won fifth overall at Rotman International Trading Competition (RITC) 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Waterloo RITC 2012 team

From left to right are: Professor Tom McCurdy (an organizer), David Ma, Kevin Yuan, Fred Yin, Kevin Mak (the main organizer), and Yunfeng Liu. Photo credit goes to William Chiu.

This month, a group of undergraduate students from the University of Waterloo took part in the 2012 Rotman International Trading Competition at the University of Toronto. The team was coached by the Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management Program Director Brent Matheson and included BMath/BBA Double Degree student Fred Yin. The team, Waterloo's A team at the competition, finished fifth.

Fred Yin mentioned, "We were number one in Canada. Beat[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]MIT, Columbia, UPenn, Northwestern, Queens, Duke, Rotman, Windsor, Ivey, etc.! Also won first flace in the British Petroleum (BP) commodities trading case."

View the official results of the competition.