Headshot of Dr. Gwen Dutrizac

Dr. Gwen Dutrizac is a registered Psychologist with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. She works with children and adults, providing treatment and assessment. She has worked in inpatient psychiatric settings, community mental health, and private practice. Currently, she works at a private practice in Guelph called Insight Psychology on Norfolk. 

Dr. Dutrizac provides assessments to adults regarding a range of concerns; recently, many of these assessment queries include ADHD and ASD. These assessments are tailored to the adults’ goals, as these can vary quite a bit compared to child assessment goals. Previously, she conducted assessments with children but currently she does not do this as part of her practice. 

Dr. Dutrizac provides treatment for children, teens, and adults. Her approach varies depending on the client’s goals and resources. Approaches may include ACT, CBT, DBT and integrative approaches. She helps clients with a range of issues including depression, bipolar, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, ASD, and eating disorders. She also helps clients achieve performance-oriented goals at work or in other settings such as sports and the arts. 

Adjunct Faculty