CMHRT faculty have put together a list of resources for children, adolescents, adults, and parents. We have also been speaking to the media in order to provide helpful information to the public. Please see below for Resources and CMHRT in the media. 

Helpful Resources for Parents, Adults and Children

Stronger Minds by Beacon, free digital program for all Canadians 

Fighting the Big Virus: Trinka, Sam and Littletown Work Together

COVID-19 Advice for Parents and Carers

Supporting Children During a Public Health Emergency

Family Resilience and Traumatic Stress Providers

Outbreak Fact Sheet

Simple Activities for Children and Adolescents

Taking Care of Yourself

COVID-19 Social Distancing Story

Helpful Resources for Insomnia

Helpful Articles and Interviews

Our Teens are Experiencing Grief and Loss Too - Parenting Now

Children of the Pandemic: How will children be shaped by the coronavirus crisis?

Supporting patient and clinician mental health during COVID-19 via trauma-informed interdisciplinary systems 

What are the rules of social distancing? One family's quest to figure it out

Prioritizing one another during COVID-19 

Building resilience during the pandemic 

How do you manage the anxiety of the news cycle - hint don't unplug 

Dealing with coronavirus a marathon, not a sprint 

Health worries cyberchondria will make you sick 

Coronavirus anxiety - supporting community teaching online 

Managing stress during COVID-19 pandemic 

Growing up in quarantineland - childhood nightmares in the age of germs