
Philip J. Schmidt is a Research Assistant Professor in the Water Science, Technology & Policy Group at the University of Waterloo. After graduating with a PhD in Civil Engineering from the group, he held an NSERC Visiting Fellowship at the Public Health Agency of Canada, instructed Probability and Statistics to engineering students at the University of Waterloo, and also worked in private sector research and development of decentralized direct potable reuse of water. His research interests include rigorous analysis of microbial data, quantitative microbial risk assessment, and exploration of mechanistic dose-response models. This has been applied in the contexts of drinking water, evaluation of agricultural beneficial management practices, and water reuse. His applied experience has also included Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, code review for complex automated drinking water treatment systems, and policy discussion with regulators associated with drinking water & water reuse across Canada and the United States. He is accredited as a Professional Statistician (P.Stat.) by the Statistical Society of Canada and a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Microbial Risk Analysis.


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