Schmidt PJ, Charles T, Dawe R, Dhiyebi H, Doxey A, Knapp J, Servos M, Emelko MB, 2025. New Approaches to Maximize the Value of PCR-based Data for Quantification of Low Microorganism Concentrations: Lessons Learned from Wastewater Surveillance. Accepted, WaterMicro2025: IWA's 22nd Health Related Water Microbiology Conference, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, June 16-19, poster.
de Brito Cruz D, Schmidt PJ, Kundert KL, Ruecker NJ, Emelko MB, 2025. Implementing QMRA in Drinking Water Treatment Decision-making: Enhancing Monitoring, Assessing Treatment Sufficiency and Responding to Extreme Events. Accepted, WaterMicro2025: IWA's 22nd Health Related Water Microbiology Conference, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, June 16-19.
de Brito Cruz D, Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2024. Unseen Assumptions Can Lead to Unseen Risk: Unveiling the Effect of the Independence Assumption in Drinking Water QMRA. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, USA, December 11 [Water and Risk session]. Student merit award winner.
de Brito Cruz D, Schmidt PJ, Kundert KL, Ruecker NJ, Emelko MB, 2024. Using QMRA to Improve Response Capacity: Lessons from a Raw Sewage Discharge Upstream of a Drinking Water Treatment Plant Intake. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition (WQTC), Schaumburg, IL, USA, November 19 [TUE24: Under the (Microbial) Influence – Impact of Wastewater Discharges on Surface Water Quality].
Schmidt PJ, Dhiyebi H, Servos M, Emelko MB, 2024. How Quantitative is PCR? New Insights on Describing the Concentration of Low-abundance Microbial Targets in Water Surveillance. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition (WQTC), Schaumburg, IL, USA, November 19 [TUE24: Under the (Microbial) Influence – Impact of Wastewater Discharges on Surface Water Quality].
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2024. How Quantitative is Quantitative PCR? Applying Fundamental Microbial Water Quality Theory to Improve Interpretation of Trace Detections. International Water Association’s (IWA) World Water Congress & Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 11-15 [Poster 2.66: Wastewater Treatment & Resource Recovery track].
de Brito Cruz D, Schmidt PJ, Kundert KL, Ruecker NJ, Emelko MB, 2024. Controlling Health Risks from Protozoa in Drinking Water: From Monitoring Approach to Verifying Sufficient Treatment. International Water Association’s (IWA) World Water Congress & Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 11-15 [Poster 4.17: City-scale Planning & Operations track].
de Brito Cruz D, Schmidt PJ, Anvari A, Ballantyne L, Emelko MB, 2024. Comparing Pathogen Removal Scenarios Using QMRA: A Toronto Case Study. OWWA/WEAO Joint Conference & Trade Show, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, May 7 [204: Drinking Water - Water Treatment session].
Chowdhury OS, Schmidt PJ, Anderson WB, Emelko MB, 2024. Developing “Threshold Microplastics Concentrations” as a Readily Available Tool for Managing Indirect Risks from Microplastics in Drinking Water. 59th Central Canadian Water Quality Research Symposium, Western University, London, ON, Canada, April 9 [Emerging Contaminants: Unveiling Environmental Mysteries].
de Brito Cruz D, Brown TJ, Jin C, Kundert KL, Ruecker NJ, Ballantyne L, Schmidt PJ, Anderson WB, Emelko MB, 2023. There’s More to Filtration Than Stable Operation: How Knowledge about Performance Variations Can be Used to Inform Management of Microbial Risks. CWWA National Water and Wastewater Conference (NWWC 2023), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, November 13 [C2: Drinking Water – Filtration].
Emelko MB, Chowdhury O, Sun X, Kennington A, Schmidt PJ, Silins U, Stone M, 2023. Groundwater Supplies are Also Vulnerable to Climate Change-Exacerbated Landscape Disturbance: Evidence & Strategies for Ensuring Treatment Resilience. CWWA National Water and Wastewater Conference (NWWC 2023), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, November 13 [A4: Climate Change].
de Brito Cruz D, Brown TJ, Jin C, Kundert KL, Ruecker NJ, Ballantyne L, Schmidt PJ, Anderson WB, Emelko MB, 2023. Propagating Filter Performance Variations to Plant Scale: Implications for Filtration Design, Operation, and Control of Protozoa. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition (WQTC), Dallas, TX, USA, November 6 [PST02 Monday Afternoon Poster Session].
de Brito Cruz D, Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2023. QMRA and Decision-making: It’s Time to Start Talking about Quantitative Microbial Risk Assumptions. AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE), Toronto, ON, Canada, June 13 [TUE24 University Forum].
Batista EJW, Emelko MB, Ruecker NJ, Ballantyne L, Anderson WB, Schmidt PJ, De Silva KS, Calder L, de Brito Cruz D, Anvari A, 2023. Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Improving EPA Method 1623.1 Efficiency and Recovery for Use in Treatment Performance Studies. AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE), Toronto, ON, Canada, June 13 [PST02 Tuesday Poster Session].
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2023. Probabilistic Modelling: A Not-so-new Way to Fix Problems with Least Squares Regression of qPCR Standard Curves. Statistical Society of Canada 2023 Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 31.
de Brito Cruz D, Brown TJ, Jin C, Schmidt PJ, Anderson WB, Emelko MB, 2023. Treatment Resilience is About More than Just Capacity: Peak Performance and Log-removal Credits don’t Tell the Whole Story. 58th Central Canadian Water Quality Research Symposium, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada, March 21 [New Paradigms for Urban Water Management].
de Brito Cruz D, Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2023. Recognizing the Pitfalls of Model Assumptions for Decision-making: Could the Interactions Between Factors Mislead Risk Assessment? 58th Central Canadian Water Quality Research Symposium, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada, March 21 [Innovative Technologies for Water & Wastewater Management].
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2022. Making QMRA More Quantitative: Important Concepts in Interpreting Microbial Data. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, USA, November 16 [WED03: The Current State of Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Drinking Water (STS)].
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2022. A New Approach to Estimating Microbial Concentrations from qPCR Data based on Not-so-new Quantitative Microbiology Theory. CWWA's National Water & Wastewater Conference 2022, Halifax, NS, Canada, November 8 [F2: Drinking Water – Microbial Risk Assessment & Management].
Elbadri N, Emelko MB, Schmidt PJ, Hennebry JL, 2022. Assessment of Microbial Health Risks Faced by Migrant Workers in Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program. 2022 CiPHi 86th National Annual Education Conference, Durham, ON, Canada, September 11-14.
Schmidt PJ, Cameron ES, Müller KM, Emelko MB, 2022. Amplicon Sequencing Diversity Analysis: Multinomial Models and Variants You Don't Know You Didn't See. Statistical Society of Canada 2022 Annual Meeting, Virtual, June 3 [Statistical Methods for Health Sciences, Extreme Risk, and Extremal Dependence session].
Schmidt PJ, Anderson WB, Emelko MB, 2021. Math Matters! When a Small Mathematical Error has Big Consequences on Data Analysis, Regulation, and Risk-based Protection of Public Health. The Society for Risk Analysis – European Conference 2021, Virtual, June 14.
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, Thompson ME, 2021. Modelling Oneself out of Uninformative Data: Non-identifiability and its Under-appreciated Perils. Statistical Society of Canada 2021 Annual Meeting, Virtual, June 8 [Outliers and Model Validity session].
Chik AHS, Anderson WB, Blaschke AP, Emelko MB, Schijven JF, Schmidt PJ, 2021. Perspectives, Insights, and Outlook concerning Microbial Water Quality Evaluations for the Water Industry. 2021 Ontario's Virtual Water Conference & Trade Show, April 30 [University Research session].
Schmidt PJ, Anderson WB, Emelko MB, 2021. Avoiding the Average Log-Reduction Seduction: Incorrect Calculation of Average Water Treatment Performance Can Be Very Misleading. AWWA's Virtual Summit - Sustainable Water, PFAS, Waterborne Pathogens, February 10 [Session: Evaluating Pathogen Removal and Health Risk (VS1_22)].
Schmidt PJ, Anderson WB, Emelko MB, 2020. Math Matters! When a Small Mathematical Error has Big Consequences on Data Analysis, Regulation, and Risk-Based Protection of Public Health. 2020 SRA (Society for Risk Analysis) Virtual Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA, December 14 [poster].
Elbadri N, Emelko MB, Schmidt PJ, Hennebry J, 2020. Evaluation of Microbial Health Risks Faced by Seasonal Migrant Farmworkers: A Canadian Case Study. 2020 SRA (Society for Risk Analysis) Virtual Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA, December 14 [poster].
Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Silins U, Skwaruk J, Shardlow T, Emmerton C, Cooke CA, Schmidt PJ, 2020. Drinking Water Source Quality and Treatability Impacts of Severe Wildfire at the Large Basin Scale: The Legacy of the 2016 Horse River Wildfire in Fort McMurray, Canada. AGU20 Fall Meeting Online, December 10 [H095-04 Session: Point- to Catchment-Scale Effects of Wildfire on Hydrology, Water Resources, and Ecosystems II].
Cameron ES, Schmidt PJ, Müller KM, Emelko MB, 2020. An Evaluation of Approaches for Interpreting Microbial Community Analysis by Amplicon Sequencing: A Cyanobacterial Case Study. AWWA's Virtual Summit on Water Quality and Infrastructure, December 9 [Session: Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxin Analytical Methods (VS2_27)].
Cameron ES, Schmidt PJ, Müller KM, Emelko MB, 2020. An Evaluation of Approaches for Interpreting Microbial Community Analysis by Amplicon Sequencing: A Cyanobacterial Case Study. Submitted, AWWA's Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition (WQTC), Schaumburg, IL, USA, November 15-19. [Conference cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.]
Emelko MB, Schmidt PJ, Anderson WB, 2020. Public Health Implications of Common Mis-characterization of Pathogen Inactivation. Submitted, Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) 86th National Annual Education Conference, Ajax, ON, Canada, October 4-7. [Conference postponed until September 11-14, 2022 due to COVID-19 pandemic.]
Elbadri N, Emelko MB, Schmidt PJ, Hennebry J, 2020. Quantitative Evaluation of Microbial Health Risks Faced by Migrant Farm Workers in Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program. Submitted, Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) 86th National Annual Education Conference, Ajax, ON, Canada, October 4-7. [Conference postponed until September 11-14, 2022 due to COVID-19 pandemic.]
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2020. Advances in Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment to Refine Information for Public Health Decision-making. Submitted, Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) 86th National Annual Education Conference, Ajax, ON, Canada, October 4-7. [Conference postponed until September 11-14, 2022 due to COVID-19 pandemic.]
Schmidt PJ, Anderson WB, Emelko MB, 2020. Average Log-reduction Isn’t All That Average: Correcting the Mistake of Averaging Log-reduction Values in Drinking Water Treatment Decisions and Risk Analysis. CAWQ's 1st Virtual Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, July 24 [Session 4: Water Quality & Treatment].
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, Thompson ME, 2019. Fitting the False and Stating Knowledge of the Unknowable: Structural Non-identifiability and the Consequences of Modelling that Ignores it. 2019 Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, USA, December 11, WED3-B1.
Emelko MB, Schmidt PJ, Borchardt MA, 2019. Norovirus Risk Assessment Supports Application of a 4-log Virus Treatment Guideline to Subsurface Water Supplies. AWWA's Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition (WQTC), Dallas, Texas, USA, November 6, WED03-02 [Pathogens: Sources, Characterization, and Risk session].
Schmidt PJ, Ruecker NJ, Kundert KL, Chik AHS, Emelko MB, 2019. Who Needs a Framework for Ensuring Adequate Treatment of Giardia Anyways? Calgary’s Approach to Addressing Enteric Protozoa. AWWA's Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition (WQTC), Dallas, Texas, USA, November 6, WED03-03 [Pathogens: Sources, Characterization, and Risk session].
Emelko MB, Schmidt PJ, Borchardt MA, 2019. Norovirus Risk Assessment: Many Subsurface Water Supplies Need to be Treated. IWA's 20th Symposium on Health-related Water Microbiology (HRWM), Vienna, Austria, September 19.
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, Thompson ME, 2019. Recognizing What Cannot be Known from Available Data: Structural Non-identifiability and its Implications in QMRA and Beyond. IWA's 20th Symposium on Health-related Water Microbiology (HRWM), Vienna, Austria, September 17.
Chik AHS, Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2019. Zero, Zilch, Nada: Unadulterated Microbial Non-detects Prevent Bias. IWA's 20th Symposium on Health-related Water Microbiology (HRWM), Vienna, Austria, September 15-20 [poster].
Schmidt PJ, Ruecker NJ, Kundert KL, Chik AHS, Emelko MB, 2019. What about Giardia? Exploring Monitoring and Regulatory Frameworks when a City’s Raw Water Source has more Giardia than Cryptosporidium. IWA's 20th Symposium on Health-related Water Microbiology (HRWM), Vienna, Austria, September 15-20 [poster].
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, Borchardt MA, 2019. Norovirus Risk Assessment Demonstrating the Need for 4-log Virus Treatment in Subsurface Municipal Water Supplies. Ontario’s Water Conference & Trade Show, Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 7, TUES-02 [Groundwater session].
Chik AHS, Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2018. Demystifying Microbial Non-detects: Raw and Uncensored. AWWA Water Quality and Technology Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada November 12, MON07.
Chik AHS, Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2018. Microbial Non-Detects: How They Should Be Reported and Why it Matters. National Water & Wastewater Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Arnold AJ, Schmidt PJ, 2018. Pathogen Log-Reduction Goals for Building-Scale DPR: Unique Considerations for Smaller Systems. WateReuse Symposium, Austin, TX, USA.
Schmidt PJ, Arnold AJ, 2018. Demonstrating the Safety of Building-Scale Direct Potable Reuse: How a Pilot System Became an Approved Potable Private Water Supply in Ohio. 2018 Water Research Foundation Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Schmidt PJ, Arnold AJ, Ashbolt NJ, Cotruvo JA, Emelko MB, 2018. On-Site Direct Potable Reuse Project in Ohio: Not Just Another Pilot. AWWA International Symposium on Potable Reuse, Austin, TX, USA.
Arnold AJ, Schmidt PJ, 2017. On-Site Direct Potable Reuse: A New Approach for Improving Groundwater Sustainability. NGWA Groundwater Summit, Nashville, TN, USA.
Schmidt PJ, Arnold AJ, Ashbolt NJ, Cotruvo JA, Emelko MB, 2017. On-Site Direct Potable Reuse Project in Ohio: Not Just Another Pilot. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference, Portland, OR, USA.
Arnold AJ, Schmidt PJ, 2017. Does On-Site Potable Reuse Have a Role in Water Sustainability? WaterSmart Innovations Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Schmidt PJ, Arnold AJ, Fugitt RJ, Townsend RL, 2017. On-Site Direct Potable Reuse: Putting Ohio on the Water Recycling Map. WateReuse Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
Schmidt PJ, Arnold AJ, 2017. Reducing Dependency Upon Private Well and Septic Water Systems Through On-Site Direct Potable Reuse. ASABE Annual International Meeting, Spokane, WA, USA.
Arnold AJ, Schmidt PJ, 2017. On-Site Direct Potable Reuse: Reducing Dependency upon Private Well and Septic Water Systems. Water Reuse in Texas Conference, El Paso, TX, USA.
Ruecker N, Mayberry P, Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2016. Long-Term Trending of Parasite Source Water Data for the City of Calgary: Facts, Fictions and Potential Impacts. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Schmidt PJ, Agrawal SG, Arnold AJ, Bolton JE, 2016. Exploring Pathogen Log-Reduction Goals for Residential-Scale Direct Potable Reuse Systems Using Reverse QMRA and Meta-Analysis. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference – Indianapolis, IN, USA [poster].
Emelko MB, Ruecker NJ, Mayberry P, Schmidt PJ, 2016. Assessing Parasite Concentrations in Source Water for Decision Making and Risk Assessment. Canadian National Conference on Drinking Water, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Emelko MB, Ruecker NJ, Mayberry P, Cheung M, Bounsombath N, Stalker N, Schmidt PJ, Kundert K, 2016. Evaluating Parasite Occurrence in Source Waters: Preventing Bias and Erroneous Interpretation. Western Canada Water Annual Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Schmidt PJ, 2015. Spurious Models and Structural Non-identifiability: Pitfalls in the Quest for a Norovirus Dose-response Model with Good Fit. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, USA.
Schmidt PJ, 2015. New Perspectives on Norovirus Dose-response: Why Previous Models may Substantially Over-predict Waterborne Risks. AWWA International Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens, Savannah, GA, USA.
Emelko MB, Schmidt PJ, Thompson ME, 2012. How QMRA is Conducted Matters: Case Studies Demonstrating Pitfalls of Data Interpretation and How they can be Avoided. CWWA Canadian National Conference and Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Kelowna, BC, Canada.
Schmidt PJ, Fazil AM, Pintar KDM, Emelko MB, Topp E, 2012. Enhancing our Knowledge about Microbial Risks in Drinking Water by Evaluating the Uncertainty in Dose-response Model Parameters. CWWA Canadian National Conference and Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Kelowna, BC, Canada [poster].
Emelko MB, Schmidt PJ, Thompson ME, 2012. Preventing Bias during QMRA. Assessing Pathogen Fate, Transport and Risk in Natural and Engineered Water Treatment, Banff, AB, Canada.
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, Thompson ME, 2012. Drinking Water QMRA: Necessary Considerations for Decision-making. SRA World Congress on Risk, Sydney, Australia.
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, Thompson ME, 2011. Addressing Variability, Uncertainty, and Measurement Error in Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment. Statistics, Science and Public Policy, Hailsham, United Kingdom.
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2010. Using Pathogen Occurrence Data for Risk Analysis and Treatment Decisions: Preventing Bias by Addressing Measurement Error. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference, Savannah, GA, USA.
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, Thompson ME, 2010. Case Studies of the Analysis of Microbial Data: Are Random Measurement Errors Associated with Data Causing us to Disregard Important Results? CWWA Canadian National Conference and Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
Emelko MB, Schmidt PJ, 2010. QMRA: Making Definite Steps toward Improved Decision-making under Ever Present Uncertainty. CWWA Canadian National Conference and Policy Forum on Drinking Water, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
Roberson JA, Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2010. Using Statistical Models to Transform Microbial Monitoring Data into Information for Decision-makers. AWWA International Symposium on Waterborne Pathogens, Manhattan Beach, CA, USA.
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, Thompson ME, 2008. Getting Better Microbial Data: Strategies to Quantify and Reduce Uncertainty. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference, Cincinnati, OH, USA [poster].
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2008. Rigorous Quantitative Analysis of Microbial Enumeration Data. Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality, Burlington, ON, Canada.
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2007. Statistical Analysis of Microbial Data Obtained by Serial Dilution – Agar Plate Methods. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference, Charlotte, NC, USA.
Emelko MB, Schmidt PJ, 2006. Guidance for Reporting and Regulating Microbial Concentrations and Removals. Proceedings, 12th National Conference on Drinking Water, Saint John, NB, Canada, April 1-4.
Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, Reilly PM, 2005. Design and Analysis of Recovery Studies for Pathogen and Other Discrete Particle Enumeration Methods. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference,Quebec, PQ, Canada [poster].