1. Purpose and composition

  1. The Area Representatives Committee's purpose is to exchange information and maintain constructive communication between the UWSA Board of Directors and all University of Waterloo staff.
  2. It comprises the Area Representatives, as well as the UWSA President and UWSA staff.
  3. UWSA Directors and Officers are encouraged to attend (UWSA officers are the President, President-elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Returning Officer, Privacy Officer and Staff Advocacy Officer).

2. Committee structure

  1. Chair

    1. Elected by Area Reps at the November meeting following the October general election.
    2. Not a member of the UWSA Board of Directors or a UWSA Officer.
    3. Develops Area Rep Committee meeting agendas, in consultation with UWSA members.
    4. Presides over the Area Rep Committee meetings.
    5. Facilitates discussion between Area Reps, Waterloo staff and the UWSA Board regarding issues, resources, events and other initiatives of interest to staff.
    6. Chair of “Area Rep Outreach Team” and welcomes new Area Reps.
  2. Vice-Chair

    1. Not a member of the UWSA Board of Directors or a UWSA Officer.
    2. Elected by Area Reps at the November meeting following the October general election.
    3. Backs up the Chair in presiding over the Area Rep Committee meetings.
    4. Works with UWSA staff to send out membership renewals, collate and report on data.
    5. Ensures each meeting has a minute taker and backs up, if needed.
    6. The President may preside over the Area Reps Committee meeting in the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair.
  3. Recording Secretary

    1. Elected by Area Reps at the November meeting following the October general election.
    2. Attends Area Rep Committee meetings, takes attendance and minutes.
    3. Forwards draft minutes to the UWSA Office for review, approval and distribution.
    4. If unavailable, ensures Chair/Vice-Chair are aware and if possible, arranges a fill-in.
  4. Area Reps

    1. Area Reps are distributed by areas of the University to maximize representation.
  5. Subcommittees

    1. Subcommittees are created as needed and must have a chair that is a UWSA member.
    2. Subcommittees are responsible to report to the Area Reps at monthly meetings.
  6. Subcommittee: Outreach Team

    1. Welcome new Area Reps via email.
    2. At their first meeting, ensure they are welcomed and buddy up to answer questions.
    3. Support ongoing membership coverage.
  7. Subcommittee: Programming Coordinator

    1. Arrange speakers and guests for Area Rep meetings.
    2. Gather feedback regarding speaker presentations.
    3. Gather suggestions from campus for speakers.

3. Meetings

  1. Meetings are held monthly from September to June.
  2. Meetings are attended by Area Reps, Chair, Vice-Chair, and Recording Secretary.
  3. The President or their designate shall attend to present their report to the Committee.
  4. Attended by members of the UWSA Board of Directors
  5. Attendance and participation are also open to any uWaterloo staff member.
  6. Meeting agendas and minutes will be made available online.
    1. Notify Chair ahead of time of items or topics to be added to the agenda.
    2. Attendance of Area Reps and guests will be recorded and included in future minutes.
    3. New Area Reps will be introduced at committee meetings.

4. UWSA Website

  1. The UWSA website houses all public information, including agendas and minutes, committee information, member services, scholarships & grants and much more.
  2. There is a specific section for the Area Reps Committee.

5. UWSA Membership Status Confidentiality

  1. You must agree to various confidentiality and privacy conditions before receiving a list of members in your area.
  2. Should you become aware of the membership status of staff in your area you are to retain this information as private and confidential.
  3. As an Area Rep, your own membership in the UWSA will be known and is posted on the UWSA website.

6. Role

  1. Area Reps are members of an informal, self-directed committee in place to exchange information, share knowledge and ensure effective communication between the UWSA Board and University staff regarding current issues, resources, events and other initiatives of interest to staff.
  2. Area Reps share information back to their area.
  3. Area Reps bring concerns and feedback from their area to meetings, as appropriate.

7. How to Join

  1. Area Reps must be a member of the UWSA.
  2. Complete and submit a committee application form.
  3. A member of the UWSA office will confirm receipt of your form and will be in touch to welcome you, answer any questions you have and arrange for your onboarding.

8. Coverage

  1. The UWSA office works with the Area Rep subcommittee “Outreach Team” and with University departments to coordinate representation for all areas of the University.
  2. UWSA staff keep an updated list of current Area Reps.
  3. The list of current Area Reps and contact info is available on the Area Reps page of the UWSA website.

9. Commitment

  1. Area representatives commit to a term of at least one year.
  2. A term typically runs from November to October, but Area Reps can join at any time.
  3. An annual membership update form will be sent in November, following the October general election.
  4. Are reps are to inform UWSA staff if you are leaving your area or wish to resign from your Area Rep position.
  5. Departing reps will be asked to recommend a potential replacement if possible.

10. Responsibilities

  1. Attend your onboarding session with UWSA staff.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the following:
    1. UWSA Memorandum of Agreement
    2. UWSA Governance, including the UWSA By-law
    3. UWSA Member Services
    4. UWSA Committees
  3. Introduce yourself as a UWSA Area Rep to your area.
    1. Post UWSA Area Rep “Ask Me” poster with your name, on your office door or in a prominent spot.
    2. Welcome new staff in your area, let them know of your role with the UWSA and if applicable, where posted UWSA information can be found.
  4. Communicate with all staff in your area about important information relevant to all Waterloo staff and those specific to UWSA members.
    1. Raise awareness of and encourage participation in UWSA nominations and elections.
    2. Coordinate communications between, and with, your area and with UWSA.
    3. Participate in periodic poster campaigns within your area, promoting the UWSA, events and initiatives.
    4. If applicable, meet with other Area Reps in your area and determine who will be responsible for which tasks and who will attend Area Rep meetings.
    5. Inform your area of upcoming Area Rep meetings, invite them to attend.
    6. Distribute/post agendas/minutes to staff in your area.
    7. Ask staff in your area for input on issues, bring to the Area Rep meetings for discussion.
    8. Pre-arrange to convey area-specific issues during the “Other Business” section of Area Rep meetings.
  5. Attend Area Rep Committee meetings.
    1. Meetings held monthly September to June, during noon hour. Details are posted online.
    2. Send regrets if unavailable and if possible, a delegate.
    3. Attend subcommittee meetings if applicable.
    4. Suggest agenda items, guest speakers and topics.