Posts for the Topic Learning support

We asked students and learning specialists to share their best tips, tricks and tools for university students. Browse through the articles for new strategies and perspective. Use the filters to find content that works for you.

What I wish I knew about studying in university

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The first day I stepped onto the sprawling university campus, it was an intoxicating blend of excitement, nerves and sheer determination, and I’m sure it's the same for many other first years.

What is independent learning in university?

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Many of us enter university looking forward to having more independence in choosing our classes, schedules and how we learn.

In high school, independent learning might have looked like personal initiative in managing your assignments. In university, this is only a fraction of the kind of independent learning you will have to do.

How to set goals in university

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Do you have a list of things that you’d like to accomplish by the end of your term? Year? Course? Program?

Having a list of goals is a great way to stay motivated and reflect on what you want to get out of university.

6 tips for making a schedule that works for you

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From the structure to format — your schedule should be caterered to what you need it to do to. 

That might include keeping track of your schoolwork, job and other things that are important to you.

How to take better notes

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What does good note-taking for university lectures look like?

There’s more to it than showing up and jotting down a few key phrases from your prof.

3 tips for studying for your first midterm or exam

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Leaving studying to the last minute may seem like a good strategy, but it’s actually easier to prepare for midterms and exams throughout the term.

Follow these three steps to build good habits into your study routine.

How to study strategically last minute (effective cramming)

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Raise your hand if you’ve ever been in a situation where you left studying until right before a test or exam.

Although advised to avoid this strategy at all costs, many students find themselves in a similar situation at least once throughout their studies.
