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Tittle, C. M., Yilman, D. ., Pope, M. A., & Backhouse, C. J. (2018). Robust Superhydrophobic Laser-Induced Graphene for Desalination Applications. Advanced Materials Technologies, 3, 1700207. Retrieved from
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Khaligh, H. ., Xu, L. ., Khosropour, A. ., Madeira, A. ., Romano, M. ., Pradére, C. ., Tréguer-Delapierre, M. ., Servant, L. ., Pope, M. A., & Goldthorpe, I. A. (2017). The Joule heating problem in silver nanowire transparent electrodes. Nanotechnology, 28, 425703. Retrieved from
Zhang, Y. ., Xu, L. ., Walker, W. R., Tittle, C. M., Backhouse, C. J., & Pope, M. A. (2017). Langmuir films and uniform, large area, transparent coatings of chemically exfoliated MoS 2 single layers. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5, 11275-11287. Retrieved from
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She, Z. ., Ghosh, D. ., & Pope, M. A. (2017). Decorating graphene oxide with ionic liquid nanodroplets: an approach leading to energy-dense, high-voltage supercapacitors. ACS Nano, 11, 10077-10087. Retrieved from
Bozym, D. J., Korkut, S. ., Pope, M. A., & Aksay, I. A. (2016). Dehydrated sucrose nanoparticles as spacers for graphene-ionic liquid supercapacitor electrodes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 4, 7167-7174. Retrieved from
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