New Academic Calendars coming - April 2024
New academic calendars for both undergraduate and graduate studies will be launched in April 2024. Both will be developed using the Kuali platform. This update provides a high-level look at some of the new features/functionality and next steps in this work.
Project updates and additional communications will be shared as the publication date approaches.
New features
Links to courses, program and plans, and regulations will be located under a “grouping”. For example, courses grouped by subject and subject code; plans combined by topic or academic unit.

Overall search

Section search
Users can search programs and plans specifically. Search is dynamic, filtering results as you type.


Course Requisites
Course Requisites will be coded as a series of rules for added clarity and will no longer be tied to a character count maximum. Courses and programs/plans can be linked.

Program/Plan requirements
Program/Plan requirements will be coded as a series of rules for added clarity. Courses are linked and automatically bring in title and unit weights.