Dr. Janet Tang
Janet A. H. Tang completed her PhD with Dr. Jennifer Hunter at the University of Rochester in 2023. Her research investigates the fluorescence lifetime of the retinal pigment epithelium in vivo in the human retina. She enjoys baking, disc golfing with her husband, reading, and playing board games.
Alison Zhang
Alison worked as a software programmer as part of the AOWL team in the summer of 2023. The main responsibility of her work term was to develop a new iteration of the current data analysis software used for fluorescence lifetime imaging data based on existing algorithms and implement new features and capabilities with more efficiency.
William Le
Originally from Mississauga, William moved to Ottawa to earn his Bachelor's of Science in Ophthalmic Medical Technology at the Ottawa Eye Institute under the University of Ottawa. Soon entering his 2nd year of the University of Waterloo’s optometry program, he currently assists Dr. Hunter and the AOWL team in the summer of 2024. Outside of school and work, William enjoys watching movies and his newly found hobby of skateboarding.
Jenny Shen Cao
Jenny has completed her BSc at the University of Waterloo. She joined Jennifer Hunter’s lab on Summer 2024 as a research assistant and helped in a collaborative project between Jennifer Hunter and Vivian Choh.
Jenny’s favorite hobby is reading.

Victor Opoku-Yamoah
Dr. Victor Opoku-Yamoah is a professionally-trained optometrist from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana since 2014. During the period of his practice, he completed online-based programs leading to Postgraduate Diploma in Community Eye Health and Master of Optometry respectively from University of Cape Town and University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He further obtained his Masters in Vision Science from the University of Waterloo, ON in 2021, having completed a research thesis on age-related changes in chromatic discrimination and perceptual modeling under the supervision of Dr. Jeffery K. Hovis.
Following his MSc, Victor worked for over a year as a Research Associate in a pediatric optometry lab under Professor Susan J. Leat. His main projects included development and validation of a new differential visual acuity test (WatDAT) for infants with blindness and vision loss, survey on pediatric optometry among Optometrists in Canada and retrospective analysis of pediatric clinical data.